Her Butler, Despairing

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Awww yeah, updating time!!! Sorry for the cliffie last time XD but I promise, this chappie will make up for it! Dun forget to tell your frands to read, I really want this story to make it big like my others. For all who read, it means a lot to me and I really hope you enjoy. Stay fabulous lovlies!


I slammed the door shut behind me to keep the demon butler from following. Hurrying downstairs to get to the exit, I ran into the three servants. The woman with pink hair screeched in embarrassment as she ran into me.

Blinking a few times, I looked at the three and remembered their names immediately from all the times I saw Sebastian yell at them for their incompetence.


His name almost brought me to tears right there and then. The image of him and that nun in an intimate embrace inside of the cottage filled me with sadness and rage. He had told me he loved me. He had told me that I was the only one for him. He had told me that I made him love. And he had lied.

"Oh! Your Mr. Sebastian's girlfriend!" Finny squealed with joy. "He never stops talking about you!" The other two nodded in agreement and unison.

Hearing those words only made me hurt even more. Suddenly I heard rapid footsteps come to a halt behind me. "L-Lily," Sebastian panted, eyeing the servants. Mey-Rin giggled. "There so cute together!" She squealed softly to Bard who nodded with a chuckle.

I put on a fake smile for the three. "Could you give us a minute?" I said as politely as I could. The three nodded and skipped away, giggling happily. I turned to Sebastian, crossing my arms. "Make it quick," I snapped. "I want to leave before night falls."

His crimson eyes widened. "L-Leave?" Sebastian stuttered. "Y-Your leaving?" I nodded. "I clearly don't have anything left here to do after the little stunt you pulled," I answered bleakly. "But what can you expect from a demon?"


What have I done? I stared at Lily with wide eyes as thoughts of previous abandonment and loneliness clouded my mind.

My breathing became ragged as Lily simply walked past me and made her way upstairs, leaving me standing there alone as my body trembled. Collapsing onto my knees, I gripped my head tightly.

Daddy no...Please...Don't leave me...Mommy and Anna are gone and I don't want to be alone...its dark, and cold, and I'm scared...please...

I hunched over, my eyes wide as I stared at the floor. I cannot be alone again. Not again. Never again...Jumping to my feet, I raced after her, slamming the door open. Lily looked up at me with a bored expression, finishing up packing her things.

"Alright well, bye I guess," she sighed, picking up her bag and walking past me. My breath began to come out in labored pants as I stopped her, gripping her shoulder tightly. She growled slightly and turned to face me, about to say something extremely crude before she froze.

Her eyes widened, and I knew it was because of my appearance. My back was heaving as I gripped the bottom of her shirt tightly and desperately. I was on my knees, choking a sob as tears streamed down my pale cheeks.

I had not cried in centuries. Not since...I shuddered at the mere thought. "L-Lily please..." I cried. "D-Don't leave me alone...anything but that...I-I'm scared..."

I wrapped my arms around his legs and cried into them. I couldn't be alone. Not again. It would be too much for me. Lily snapped out of her trance and sighed, kneeling beside me and gently pulling my head to her chest.

Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I proceeded to sob into her chest, body quivering. "Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me..." I pleaded. She sighed snd stroked my hair softly.

"Hey," she murmured quietly. "I won't leave alright? What you did was...terrible and unforgivable. But its hard to think of a life without you and I love you too much to let you go. I'm not leaving you...so stop crying, okay?"

I nodded childishly, sniffling and looking up at her with puffy crimson eyes. "I-I'm so, so, sorry, Lily," I whimpered. "I-I didn't feel anything with her. I-It was disgusting and I pictured you and your body during every second."

She sighed and nodded, running her fingers through my hair. "I know, I know," she whispered, holding me close. I buried my face between her breasts, snuggling into them as I held onto her tightly. "I love you," I said, my voice being muffled slightly by her cleavage.

Lily blushed madly in embarrassed and awkwardly wrapped her arms around me, resting her chin atop my head.

"I love you too."

Daww what a sweet ending! Whelp, we got a little taste of Sebbys past and see a different more unstable side of our confident demon butler. Credit to the character Anna goes to XxHero_Of_OlympusXx. She will be the same character with a slightly different story. I can't wait to continue this story and reveal more of Sebastian's past. Thanks so much for reading and stay fabulous lovlies!

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