Her Butler, Carnal Knowledge

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Me: Yo! So I'll take this beginning authors note to make an announcement.  WARNING: This chapter (if you didn't already know by the title) contains graphic sexual actions thats classy but sexy if ya know what I mean *wink* *wink* Anyways, you know the drill, dont like, don't read. Or do. Its your life man. You do you. I'll do me. And we won't do each other. Probably.


   It was about midnight in the central square of London. The moon was bright tonight, not quite full but almost there. I was waiting anxiously at the same spot for the mysterious woman to emerge from the shadows just as she did not so long ago. But sadly, hours and hours passed and it was soon three in the morning.

   I sighed sadly, the wind blowing through my raven black hair as my crimson eyes gazed distantly at the silver moon that resembled the brightness of my infatuation's eyes. Shaking my head, I held my hands behind my back and prepared to walk back to the manor.

   How foolish of me. To think someone as beautiful and magnificent as her were to love a pathetic demon like me. Right as I prepared to dart out of town, and try to push these foolish thoughts out of my head, I heard the familiar sound of striding, confident and deadly footsteps echo through the stone pavement.

   Raising a brow, I turned around towards the noise only to have my eyes widen at the sight of the beautiful maiden I had so longed to make my own. Her figure looked heavenly in the moonlight as I got a better glimpse at her face; her copper skin was soft, her face angular and seductive, her side bangs slightly covering her left eye but still giving me a clear view of her celestial silver eyes.

   I smiles brightly, bowing graciously before holding my hand out. "Good evening, my Lady," I said smoothly. "My name is Seba--" Before I could finish, my hand was taken my a slightly smaller, warm, slim hand, the hand wrapping around my wrist before forcibly yanking it forward, causing my body to jolt in the same direction before a received a harsh kick in my stomach as my wrist waist released, my body flinging into the brick wall behind me.

   I felt a cold blade touch my jugular and my crimson eyes widen, still in shock from the previous events. That actually...hurt. I blinked a few times and stared into the eyes of my attacker; the woman. Now I was definitely sure this lady was not human.

   Before I could open my mouth to speak, her silver eyes narrowed, and a low growl emerged from her throat. "I can't even have a calm vacation, without one of you god damned demons, fucking everything over for me!" She snarled. Her choice of language was very unladylike yet aroused me in the strangest of ways. I felt the blade dig deeper into my throat, a strange stinging sensation following the cut of the blade. Must be a special demon knife.

   I sighed softly. At least if I die, I die at the hands of the only person who's made me feel. Smiling softly, I gazed into her moonlit eyes. "Very well," I said softly. "I'm glad the last thing I get to see is your beautiful face." And I meant every word. I prepared for the excruciating pain of my head being removed from my body with a demon knife, when I suddenly felt the cold blade leave my neck. I blinked a few times, looking forward to see the knife, scattered on the floor, and the woman standing a few feet away from me, her head bowed and staring at the floor.

   Frowning slightly, I broke the silence. "Why didn't you do it?" She simply shrugged, looking up at me with a slightly pained look in her eyes. "I-I just...couldn't..." she responded, voice slightly cracking. Simply unable to watch her gloomy expression much longer I gently took her soft hands in my gloved ones, earning a jolt on surprise. "Please just...hear me out," I begged. "Ever since I saw you for the first time, I was dumbfounded. I actually found myself...experiencing emotions. And since then, I could not refrain from having you on my mind. So please, I asking you from the bottom of my former cold, and stiff heart, give me a chance. I know you feel something too. So, please..."

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