The Allspark

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It's been a long time since I've had inspiration for this work! Of course, I haven't forgotten Dana (nor Kyra),  it's just been hard to find inspiration these days. With that said, this kind of struck me while I was watching Atlantis: The Lost Empire, specifically the scene where Kida becomes one with the Crystal of Atlantis. Originally I thought about making an entirely new work based on this concept, but the large project was daunting and I didn't really have any further inspiration/plot for it. But then, I remembered in Burned that Dana does have an opportunity to interact with the Allspark, and thus this work was born! It was fun giving Dana what was basically OP superpowers and seeing what she would do with them.

This takes place directly after she Groundbridged to Cybertron in an attempt to shake Megatron out of Unicron's control, and nearly ended up squished. It's been a long time since I've re-read Burned, and probably even longer since I've seen Predacons Rising. So, I apologize if dialogue/characters seem clunky, and I'm definitely not using as many characters as I should. But, ah well, here we are! Hope you guys enjoy!!


Dana allowed Ratchet to drop her off near the Nemesis, Optimus Prime not too far off with the Allspark. Her suit hissed in a steady rhythm as it cycled oxygen through her helmet, preventing Cybertron's toxic air from reaching her lungs. Unicron was recovering from his momentary loss of control, Ratchet transforming once again as his old friend consulted him. He ensured his charge was okay, kneeling beside her and allowing their eyes to meet for a brief second, her look assuring him she was okay. Relieved she was unharmed, he stood to his full height to give his full attention to Optimus Prime.

"We need to keep Unicron away from the Allspark for as long as possible," Optimus said grimly. "However, no matter where we take it, he will pursue it until he reaches his goal. Unicron is a god, and thus has limitless amounts of energy."

Ratchet huffed. "It's a shame Primus could not manifest as well. We could use a deity on our side right now. What is the plan?"

Optimus settled his gaze on the container. "One I am not sure will work."

Dana also looked at the Allspark, feeling something akin to a gentle tug in the back of her head, like a ribbon of lace wrapping around her consciousness. Her eyes remained focused on it as Optimus set the container down, telling Ratchet he would distract Unicron until they could decide on their next course of action. The sensation intensified, though was far from unpleasant, the ribbon becoming more like a thin sheet of an other laying against her.

The young woman allowed for the sensation to wash over her, feeling it warm her fingertips and ease the anxiousness building up in her chest. It beckoned her, its question silent yet she knew what it wanted. Blinking slowly, Dana pondered the question and its underlying motives, the energy freely sharing what it desired. It was strange, the human unable to put a name to it for the longest time before it finally registered.

Calling. That's what it was. A calling.

She stepped forward with mild hesitation, towards the container, faintly hearing Ratchet say her name in inquiry. Reaching out, her gloved hand touched the surprisingly warm containment unit, feeling it vibrate against her. Her senses felt smothered by velvet, focused only on the bright blue light which beckoned her closer. The question posited itself again, its assurance returned with her confidence, fears soothed by the Allsparks natural calm.

The containment unit shifted and fell away, exposing the Allspark and allowing its radiance to wash across her. Now Ratchet was screaming, shouting words she could not understand, the ancient relic hesitating for merely a fraction of a second before overwhelming her. White flashed across her vision and warmth flooded her veins, power causing every cell in her body to resonate. There was burning around her, the fire painless against her skin as it eagerly ate away at something.

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