No Diagrams Yet, Just Drawing

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This is a drawing of Dana's device, the one Shockwave made for her:

(The tattoo is not canon, but points for figuring out what it says)

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(The tattoo is not canon, but points for figuring out what it says)

For this one I worked more on skin shading than anything else; the hair is still God awful and for the love of everything on this green Earth please don't look at her hands. You looked, didn't you?

Her scar is split long ways along her spine, and though the device itself isn't difectly on the break between L3-L4 it spans across it, linking the two broken parts together. The wires are tucked along the sides of her vertebrae, which is why there aren't any bumps (I couldn't draw that part well so I have to make something up okay?)

The glowing center, as you can see, is the same color as energon. You may also be able to see the faint outline of a spark shard; I'm sure you can guess what that is.

When I say "diagrams," I thought about doing a blueprint-esque kind of thing, but I really only have a vague idea of the actual device, mostly it's outward appearance.

As for the tattoo, I just wanted something to fill up the empty space there, and it was a bigger pain that what I had anticipated. But, there it is! I did kind of have a cute narrative to go with it (I can post it in another part if anyone is actually interested. If not, I won't waste time.

Here is the base I used, found on Pinterest:

And it took an a cumulative five hours and thirteen layers. Whoo!

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