Double Trouble

301 12 75

Hey look, I'm not dead.

So this work is a little unique in that we have a special guest star: Cassidy, from Without a Word! Here is the link provided to Bumblemus_Prime 's account, where you will find it if you have yet to read it (the link being the tag). I do highly recommend reading it, as it is a unique fanfiction that really does break the mold in terms of who the main character is and the plot which revolves around her. Sort of kind of spoilers I guess for her fanfic, then, so if you're not one of the 133K people who read it (go read it and get her to 150K!), SPOILER ALERT.

While I did write this myself, I asked for Bumblemus' permission to post it and let her read it beforehand so she could decide on whether or not to give the green light. So thank you Bumblemus for enjoying the read and allowing me to share it with the world!

My mood for Dana in this one-shot: I'm a Mess, Bebe Rexha:

My mood for Cassidy in this one-shot: Whatever It Take, Imagine Dragons:



"Oh my god."

    If Cassidy could have, she would have groaned as she woke up. Her body ached, and it felt like she had been slammed into a wall, repeatedly. The voice that woke her up was freaking out, and at first she thought it was fading in and out - but in reality the speaker was just pacing back and forth.

    "Ratchet, you ran her over?!"

    "Well, it's not my fault she was standing in the middle of the road!"

    "I should have said something, I wasn't paying attention -"

    "No, June, it's not your fault. I just . . . how did you miss her? I mean, it's not like she magically became invisible."

    "I was reading your text message."

    "You were texting and driving? Ratch, you get on me all the time about that, but suddenly it's okay for you to do it, and run over some poor girl in the process?"

    Eventually, the "poor girl" managed to find the strength to open her eyes, squinting and grimacing when the lights above her promptly burned her retinas. She closed them quickly, putting an arm over her eyes and blinking the afterimages away.

    Last thing I need to be is mute and blind.

    "Ah, she's awake!" Miko announced, pointing as if the small group had no idea who she was talking about. Cassidy could sense movement around whatever bed or table she was lying on, and eventually she opened her eyes.

    Immediately she recognized Jack, Miko, and Raf, but there were two women she did not know. One of them was definitely Jack's mom, as he had mentioned her before and the similarities were striking. Next to her was another woman, though she couldn't be much older than Jack. Her bright red scrubs were almost painful to look at, and immediately Cassidy thought about the nurses which worked at the Red Cross.

    I definitely wasn't giving blood when I passed out. Where am I??

    "Hey Cassidy," Jack's mom smiled warmly. "How are you feeling?"

    Like I got hit by a . . . I probably did get hit by a semi.

    She looked around for her notebook, which she found was propped up next to her backpack, but before she could reach for it the red-scrubbed nurse started moving her hands and waving her arms.

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