2019 Christmas Special!!

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Yeah, it's a bit early, but I couldn't help myself! I thought of it and thought it would be kinda cute, so here we are. There are a few brief mentions of alcohol in this part, but nothing overly dramatic, nor anything dark. Hope you guys enjoy, and an early Merry Christmas to you!!


As soon as the doorbell rang Dana shot to her feet, grinning as she hopped over the back of the couch and ran towards the foyer.

"I've got it!" She announced to her family, her mother poking her head in from the kitchen.

"Is it them?" The older woman asked, her question answered as Dana opened the door.

Agent Fowler stood front and center, a container full of food in his arms. Behind him was a small group, the Cybertronian's holoforms fairly easy to identify. She noticed they had all elected to "change" into casual clothing, though Agent Fowler was the most festive with his Santa hat. She beamed when she saw two additional members, Jack and June wearing matching sweaters with the Special Agent.

"Merry Christmas!" Fowler crowed, stepping into the foyer as Dana stepped aside and held the door open for them. "I hope you don't mind - I brought some cookies, my grandma's famous recipe!"

"Hello, everyone," Mrs. Frederickson greeted, wiping her hands on an apron as they all filed in. "The living room is right this way, and I can take that," she said, taking Fowler's container and whisking it off to the kitchen. "I don't know if we cooked enough food!" She said worriedly.

"It's quite alright," Ratchet assured her, following Fowler and the Darby's to the living room, which was still well within hearing distance of the kitchen. "Our holoforms don't take well to food regardless, despite their solid nature -"

His explanation was interrupted as Dana wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, her guardian squawking in surprise. Her green eyes glittered at him, and he noticed her cheeks were slightly flushed.

"I'm glad you could come," she said, quickly moving on to give hugs to the other 'bots. Megatron was better anticipating the greeting, not quite sure what to do except awkwardly return it. Her red, green, and white sweater was a bit scratchy, the former Decepticon wondering how that could possibly be comfortable. It complimented her eyes nicely, her brown hair rounding off the look. Red was a suitable color for her.

"Well, Agent Fowler told us it was a human tradition," Chromia gave her a hug, the woman surprisingly muscular underneath her own sweater. It was a light blue, so while not necessarily festive, it was seasonal. "We thought it would be a good opportunity to learn more about your culture."

"If we had known that, I would have invited you over for Thanksgiving," Mrs. Frederickson came in with her husband, the pair offering hot chocolate to their human guests. Dana took a cup after giving both Soundwave and Blastwave hugs, Christmas music playing softly in the background.

"Like I said, we don't really eat -" Ratchet began, pausing when Dana shot him a look. "- but perhaps next year, if we're available."

"I love your tree," June complimented, gesturing to the ornamental piece. It was a fairly standard-sized tree, with twinkling lights and a variety of ornaments. "Jack and Bill wanted to go small this year," she gave them the stink-eye. "As in, 'three foot tree out of the box' small."

"What can I say? I'm easy to please," the man shrugged, earning a few laughs.

Dana ghosted closer to her guardian and Megatron, not seeming to catch the side-eye the latter received from her father.

"How have things been?" She asked, sipping from her cup. "I know I haven't been around much, but Jamie's out for Winter Break, and we have a lot of family traditions to take care of before he goes back to school."

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