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Just in case ya'll were wondering, this is definitely Safe For Work, don't worry. I don't know why but the video "Brainwashed" by MsCottonSnow (linked) started this whole thought process - and the official song by Simon Curtis (who I am starting to really like) kept this muse going.

Here is the link should the video not work:

A lyric video of the whole song:


"Good," Ratchet complimented in the quiet training room. "You are getting better at seeing more than weaponry - reading body language is incredibly important in anticipating the moves of an aggressor."

"You sound like my second-grade soccer coach," Dana laughed, "'watch the player, not the ball,' he would say. I never was good at that sport though."

The medic reverted his surgical blades back into his servos, his expression mildly bewildered. "How does combat and a sport relate to one another?"

"She was making an analogy, medic," Megatron drawled, revealing his presence against the doorway. "It does not surprise me that you would only take the literal interpretation of everything."

Ratchet put his servos on his hips. "And what is that supposed to mean?" He then pointed a digit at the warlord, far from intimidated. "You are supposed to be resting. I just did extreme reconstructive surgery and purged an entire frame's worth of energon from your systems."

That earned him the slightest of optic rolls. "I hardly need rest," the ex-Decepticon stood to his full height, approaching the pair. "Even in this condition I could easily defeat the both of you."

Dana grinned, her eyes sparkling behind the glass of the Apex Armor. "Is that a challenge?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If you are going to insist on injuring yourself further, I should go set up the medical bay," Ratchet moved to slip around the warlord, stopping when a silver servo blocked his path.

"Not so fast, medic," Megatron's optics glittered down at him, paired with his usual arrogant smirk, "why not at least one round, for old time's sake? It will be two against one, surely with those odds it will be over quickly."

"Come on, Ratchet," Dana whined, her spark shard pulsing excitedly in tandem with the adrenalin that was running through her veins. "You're always going easy on me, and I've never really seen you do real battle. Show me what you've got!"

"It's not very impressive," the medic shot Megatron a dirty look. "But if you are aching to have me pound your helm in again, then I suppose I will oblige."

The smirk widened. "I expect you to not hold anything back."

Moving to the center of the fighting ring, the ex-gladiator slid into position, Dana and Ratchet glancing at one another - the former grinning with delight while the latter carried a sour expression - before they two got ready. The Cybertronians kept their blades retracted for now, unsure just how rough they were going to be.

It only made sense that the pair attacked first, Dana and Ratchet charging in unison toward Megatron.

The gladiator assessed each threat and made the snap decision on who to deal with first, Dana's weaker and more inexperienced form making her the easiest target. With shocking grace the silver titan spun, his pede smashing into her chest and sending her flying. Using his momentum Megatron turned to face Ratchet, catching his fist before it hit his side. The second fist came as anticipated, but the medic proved to be faster as his pede planted itself on the Decepticon's core and shoved him back.

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