Burned Alternative

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This just popped up in my head one day and I decided this would be a good place to put it. Enjoy!


Dana knew something was fundamentally wrong the moment she woke up.

Over the course of the several weeks she had been held as some kind of pseudo-hostage aboard the Nemesis, and the last thing she could recall as of right now was Megatron's words.

"You will be fixed - but not just fixed; we will give you the power you were meant to have. You will become the spark you were meant to be."

After that, the events of what happened grew fuzzy. She remembered resisting, tell him he was insane, and then the world warped and became non-existent. If the nurse had to guess, she had been sedated at one point, most likely by Soundwave.

"Her processor is showing signs of wakefulness, my liege," Shockwave's voice percolated through her mind, prompting her to open her eyes.

Sucking in an involuntary breath the disoriented woman looked around, shifting her body in an attempt to figure out what was wrong, freezing when her peripheral vision picked up on Shockwave. Turning to him, she noticed with complete and utter shock that he was no longer towering above her.

No, no, no. This is wrong.

Her mind could not wrap around it for a moment, attempting to figure out what kind of optical illusion was playing tricks on her consciousness. However, her eyes insisted what they were showing her was true, and then another feature called her attention to it.

A silver metal body laid on the table with her, and it moved every time she did.

Her eyes widened, her sitting up in alarm creating a brief dizzying spell, a burst of static escaping her vocalizer when the body continued to move with her. Bringing a servo to her face she moved it, jaw dropping as it started to click.

I'm - I'm -

"The processor-to-body interface seems to be working as expected," Shockwave droned, confirming her fear. "Are you capable of speech?"

Dana choked on her words, feeling like a foolish infant as she struggled to form the sounds. Eventually, her mind figured it out.

"What have you done to me?!"

"Vocalizer is adjusting well to various pitches and intensities," Shockwave did not answer her question, only made scientific observations. "Protoform is moving well, and armor does not appear to be causing discomfort."

The woman looked at the scientist first, then her optics trailed to Megatron, who was standing on the other side of the slab with his servos behind his back. His mouth plates were quirked up with the barest of smiles, optics shining as he watched her struggle to come to terms with what she was. He found sadistic enjoyment in her trouble.

"Megatron," she snarled, though it came out more like a whine as the fresh vocalizer adjusted to her voice. "What is this?!"

"This is your new body," the warlord gestured to her, claws clicking against one another. "We merely transferred your consciousness using Knock Out's neuron refractor into a different mind. Naturally, this processor was grown, thus it is all yours."

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