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"You can't wake up,
This is not a dream,
You are part of a machine,
You are not a human being."

"I think there's a flaw in my code."


"We have Cybertronian activity in . . . London," Ratchet said worriedly, interrupting Megatron from his thoughts.  Kyra strode over to her computers, boots clinking on the catwalk as she did so. "In the middle of London."

"St. Paul's Cathedral," the techno-organic stated, her brow knitting. "Why there? I didn't realize Cybertronians were Christian. Unless . . ."

"They haven't done anything yet to warrant concern," Ratchet reported, interrupting her thought. "But if they are focusing on a structure that is collectively over 700 years old, there could be something there they want. Autobot or Decepticon, the human civilians are at risk."

"My time to shine," Kyra grinned. Grabbing the side of the catwalk she launched herself off the side. The first time she had done that Megatron had almost tripped over himself to catch her, but the hybrid gracefully landed on her feet every time. A normal human would have broken their ankles, if not their legs, jumping from such a height. It was hard to remember she was not normal.

Hitting the ground in a crouch she stood, pushing her hair up and pulling it back into a ponytail. She shot Megatron a smirk, her green eyes sparkling. "Going to join me?"   

The former Decepticon blinked. "I highly doubt that is the wisest course of action, should they turn out to be Autobots."

"Only if they see you," she pointed out, heading towards her built-in house. "And if things get nasty, I'll need Cybertronian back-up. I can wrestle Arcee no problem, but I doubt these guys will be as small as her."

Megatron cocked his optic ridge, continuously surprised by all of the things about her. Every day he learned something new about the strange creature that walked and spoke like an organic, but functioned with a spark and energon.

"She is right," Ratchet sighed. "Should they prove hostile, you are the best form of protection the humans have."

The irony of the statement was not lost on him, Megatron finally consenting as she disappeared into an "exterior" portion, what they referred to as the garage.

"Groundbridge us as close as you can to the location without raising suspicion, then," he could not help but give the order, Ratchet giving him a warning glare before he began typing in coordinates.

Kyra returned wearing a full body suit, a helmet tucked under her arm as the other effortlessly led a motorcycle out of the garage. Its sleek design was similar to Arcee's, but it was clearly not sentient. As her sire turned on the Groundbridge she placed her helmet on.

"Remember the rule."

"Do not engage," she said firing up her preferred mode of transport while her partner in crime transformed into his grounder alternate form. The Decepticon still huffed in dismay as his armor rearranged itself into tires, but it was the only way the government would allow him out of the base - and if they did not want to make enemies out of the humans, he would comply.

"Remain in contact as much as possible," Ratchet watched them go, his expression twisted in paternal worry. She was too much like her mother - and soon trouble would figure that out.

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