Love Stuck

211 14 7

TW: mention of drunk driving

    “Stay quiet once we go in, okay? My brother will get you sorted out. Tell him your name, I can’t hear you.” Virgil stated sternly, lightly amused by the look of recognition on the other boy’s face as he realized why Virgil never responded to his questions. He nodded and followed Virgil into the backside of the worn-down townhouse. 

Staying as quiet as they could, they creaked up the stairs, Virgil pushing open a door at the top, revealing a sobbing form on the bed, clutching a pillow close while one man spooned him and the other sat at the foot of the bed, trying to coax the sobbing one to drink from a glass of water.

As the group heard the door opened, Roman, the one spooning Patton, jumped up and kneeled on the bed in front of Patton, expecting it to be the mother. When he saw the two at the door, he relaxed, but all three looked confusedly at the new person.

“Virgil? Where have you been?!” Patton jumped up and hugged his brother with all the strength in his body, refusing to let go.

“I need to call Janus, but we need to talk first. Do you have your phone?” Patton tilted his head in confusion but nodded and followed heel as Virgil walked out to the bathroom.

Once they were in, Virgil sat on the counter, “Is mom home?”

Patton shook his head, “Nope, she is at the police station. DUI.”

Virgil pursed his lips together and pointed to his ear, “Can’t hear, write on your phone.”

Patton’s eyes went wide and Virgil hopped off the counter to stop him from falling, catching a limp and, once again sobbing, Patton. He rubbed his brother’s back until he could feel Patton’s breathing return to a decent pace. He looked down at the smaller twin and gave him a gentle smile, “It’s a little better than a few days ago, so I think it will heal. I can hear buzzes of loud noises, now.”

Patton nodded a tiny bit before pulling out his phone.

You need to go to the doctors!

Virgil shook his head, “I’m fine, I have things I have to do first. Now, did you call the police?”

Of course I did! But with your
record of just taking off and all, 
it wasn’t taken all that seriously…                              

“Call it off, I can talk to them but I don’t want them to know.” When he saw Patton’s mouth start to open in protest, he continued, “No arguing, I know what is best, Pat.”

Patton nodded and called, explaining to the officer that his brother had returned after a few days trip to the woods for some free time, Virgil saying hello to confirm he was, indeed, home. 

Once all seemed good with the law, Patton hung up and texted again, showing the phone to Virgil, so he could read it.

I’m going to patch you up
while you tell me what 
happened, okay? I need to know you’re okay!!

“Fine, but go check on your boyfriends and the other guy first.”

Patton knew there was no fighting Virgil's wishes, so he listened, going back to Virgil’s bedroom. He peeked his head in, looking over to see Roman chatting up the new guy who was just dressed in his boxers on the bed. 

“Hey,” Patton said gently as he walked in, the floor creaking below him as he walked towards the bed, “what’s your name?”

The other boy smiled a little, “I’m Emile. Roman said you’re Patton?”

He hummed in agreement, “That’s me, I’m Virgil’s brother. Virgil is the one who helped you here. Do you know where you are?”

Emile thought for a moment, “Yeah, I grew up a few towns over and visited for hikes over the summer.”

Patton smiled more and sat on the bed beside him as Logan started to wrap up Emile’s leg. Emile bit his lip to stop from yelping out in pain as pressure was applies. “Seems to be broken, you need to visit a hospital soon,” Logan stated.

Emile shook his head, “Yeah, if I had the money.”

No one knew what to say after that, leaving them all in an uncomfortable silence. They stayed like that for a while before Patton stood back up and left, explaining he was going to check on Virgil. 

He walked in on his brother on his own phone, seeming to be texting someone. “What are you doing?” Patton asked gently, not trying to be accusatory.

“Left my phone here and I needed to text Janus ASAP.” Virgil explained, leaving Patton with a confused but content enough feeling.  

The two sat in a nervous silence, Patton on the verge of crying again and Virgil rapidly typing away to Janus, explaining that he was gone for a few days for reasons he couldn’t explain over Patton’s phone. He watched as Janus’s typing bubble popped in and out, biting his thumbnail as he waited. Finally, a response came and Virgil looked to Patton, “Janus is coming, I can’t get him to not and I don’t want him to see the house. Help me outside and grab my phone, will you? Not in that order.”

Patton nodded and ran to get Virgil’s phone from the bed, having clutched it earlier that day while crying. He went back to Virgil and typed a message on his own phone while walking back.

I don’t want to leave you
anymore, let Janus in or let me go with you two

When Patton returned and Virgil saw the message, he shook his head and sighed, “No, I’ll only be an hour or two, but we need to sort the other guy out and your boyfriends need to go home, it’s so early in the morning and you all visibly haven’t slept.”

Patton seemed to fight with himself before throwing his arms around Virgil in a tight hug, unintentionally causing him pain, but Virgil didn’t let out any hint of discomfort. It took Patton a few minutes to let go, but when he did, he left without a word before Logan walked in and helped give a shoulder to Virgil to go outside, Roman carrying Emile bridal-style. 

Janus’s car was already outside, the engine letting out visible puffs of steam in the cold, January air. Janus burst out of the car, running up the back stairs of the house and held Virgil’s forearms tightly, his mittens providing some warmth to the freezing cold boy. 

“What the hell?! What happened to you!” Janus said urgently, pain and concern glistening in his eyes as he squeezed Virgil tighter. 

“Your house first, I can’t hear you. This guy,” Virgil shoved his head towards Emile, “Needs some a place to stay or to find his parents or something.”

Janus, who had been warned that something was up with Virgil, simply nodded and took Logan’s spot in supporting Virgil and carried him to his car, setting him in the passenger seat as Roman set Emile in the back to sprawl his leg, now in a temporary wrapping, up on the back seats.

Virgil stayed silent, going between watching the window and watching Janus as he drove. He watched as the man whose company he had come to enjoy fought inside, his pain and conflict hidden behind a veil of neutrality and calm sternness. How Virgil wanted to take his hand and provide the comfort, but he knew better, they were just friends and such an act would be firmly denied by Janus, who wanted to keep his appearance even around his friend. 

Virgil so wanted to just hear some form of his words again, he knew he would likely be able to hear again, but he wanted that comfort now. He wanted to share his love and be comforted by the fact that Janus was okay, to both feel better because of each other. To both feel safe in each other’s presence. To know this trauma would pass, would pass to a distant memory.

As he closed his eyes and rested his head against the back of the seat, he let out a sigh of stress and little did he know in his utter exhaustion, a phrase that Janus heard as “I love you."

New chapter fast! Hope you guys liked the ending ;)

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