Angry Sea pt 2

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Janus soon returned with a coffee mug and two cups of water. He handed one to Emile who took it, taking a dainty sip. Virgil took the mug, drinking immediately, ignoring the burn of the black coffee on his tongue. It only grounded him more and the pain seemed like nothing to his numb and coping brain. Emile handed the notebook and pen to Janus, who took it and sat on his bed, writing for a moment before showing it to Virgil.

    “Virgil, can you go first? I’ll talk to Emile in private later, after I take you home.” He wrote. Virgil took a moment to process the words on the page before nodding and replying.

    “Yeah, but can I write it out? Makes it easier.” Janus wordlessly handed him the notebook, watching as Virgil thumbed over the corner edges of the notebook, the texture calming him some as he contemplated what to write. Finally, he sighed and wrote his heart out. The time looking to find a perfect date-night place, deciding to admit his feels to Janus in the letter just to give him a full picture. He explained the men who found him and Remus. Remus. The name felt sour in his brain, absentmindedly mumbling the world aloud, alarming Janus, who was trying to convince himself he did not hear the name of his ex fall between the lips of the boy in front of him. He had briefly mentioned that Roman was his ex’s brother but nothing more than that. Besides, that was months ago and it hardly seemed appropriate to bring it up now in such a weightful situation.
    After his pause in writing, Virgil continued, writing of his injuries and what was told to him before he lost his hearing. He wrote as little as possible about his own feelings and injuries during the experience, choosing to stick with just the facts of his capture.

    Once he was done, he handed the book back to Janus, about two pages full of scribbly writing scrawled on the pages. Virgil’s hands shook with anxiety, almost unwilling to hand the book of trauma and blurred memories over. However, he didn’t pull away as Janus gently grasped it and took it away from him, reading the words on the pages. Janus’s breath seemed to quicken as he continued, not noticing the way his eyes widened and his grip vise-like on the cover, little crescent moon shapes creasing themselves into the moldable plastic. He nearly shook with emotion, both from the shock of the confession and pure, unbridled anger from what Remus had done. He slammed the book down on the bed beside him, the sudden movement making the other boys jump a little.

Janus stared down at it like it had burned him, ready to kill the man who had caused all of this.

Hello! Part 2! In a few days, I will be combining the chapters into one, just to let you guys know. Also, we are nearing the end, soon. There should be anywhere from 5-10 chapters before we finish up. If you are curious, I will likely not writing another Sanders Sides story after this one. I wish not to disappoint anyone but it interests me less as of right now. However, I already am planning to write a DreamSMP book if any of you would be interested, I will let you guys know when it is up.

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