Angry Sea pt 1

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Janus slammed on the brakes, nearly crashing into the car in front of him, luckily Virgil had uttered the phrase right before a red light so nothing looked too odd to other cars.

“What?” Janus asked incredulously, Virgil having been abruptly awoken by the force of the car shoving him forward in his seat.

“What?” Virgil repeated, more annoyed and sleepy than Janus’s high-pitched surprise.
Janus pulled over to the side of the road, out of others ways before pulling out his phone.

“What do you mean ‘what?’ You know exactly what you said!” Janus typed as he whipped his phone in front of Virgil’s face, confusion and panic more evident than Virgil had ever seen before in the yellow and black clad man.

“I don’t? I was just about to sleep, did Emile say something?” Virgil turned around in his seat to look back at the smaller boy who just shook his head, Virgil not catching the warning stare that Janus was giving Emile. He slumped back in his seat and shrugged, “I dunno, man. Just let me sleep.”
Janus let out a strange groan of annoyance and confusion, “No, we are almost home.” He wrote down on his phone before showing Virgil. He looked at Emile through the rearview mirror and said something that Virgil couldn’t make out as he turned the corner into his house’s street. They all sat in silence, minus the car’s rumbling and the light patter of Virgil’s foot hitting the car door as it bounced anxiously. They got out once parked and headed in through the back exit. They all seemed to drag their feet, dreading the conversation at hand. It swarmed their heads like a dark cloud, Janus jumping to a thousand conclusions and the two others of what they were to going to say to Janus.

“Sit, I’ll make some drinks. Coffee, Virgil?” Janus texted, sending the message off to Virgil’s phone this time. His face was soft and caring when Virgil looked up to nod, before taking a seat on a yellow beanbag chair, Emile sticking to awkwardly standing by a bookshelf.


Emile’s eyes lifted up quickly before shaking his head, “I’m fine.”

    Janus nodded before leaving the other two, back in their near-deafening state of silence and crushing thought. Virgil looked up right as Emile’s lips moved to make a simple, “Thank you.”

    “Did you say ‘thank you’? Why?” Virgil asked, tilting his head at the older boy.

    Emile looked around the room before grabbing a notebook and pen off of the dresser and wrote, “You saved me. So, thank you.” Emile smiled softly at him, the bags under his eyes more visible under the yellow LED lights on Janus’s ceiling. “I hope to explain to you what happened one day but we might be separated before then. If not, I will tell you when I can, okay?”

    Virgil just gave him a shallow nod, sighing as he leaned back and let the beanbag engulf him, silently hoping it would choke him. If Emile is hopeful that he can grow out of this trauma, then he can too.

So sorry for the late update, I hit a bad lump of writer’s block and have slowly been getting over it. This is just part 1 of chapter 18 so don’t worry. Part 2 should be up when I have it finished (5-7 days) and eventually I will combine them into one. Please forgive me! (I also accidentally wrote this whole part in which Virgil is not deaf on accident and almost cried when I realized :( )

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