Wrecking Ball

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Virgil shoved his books into his locker, the loose assignments at the bottom becoming nothing but crushed slivers of paper. He grabbed the books and binders he'd need for the new few classes up until the end of the day, grabbing his music folder, social studies book, and English binder. Walking through the halls, he saw Janus and sent him a broad smile, walking to the auditorium.

The next few classes passed with ease, Virgil not paying attention to too much of anything and instead playing on his phone whenever he could. His math class with Janus long since having passed, his day seemed unimportant. Janus had returned to school the day before and while Virgil was expecting him to still have half his face bandaged, it was not. The other students shrank down even more when Janus approached, seeming to fear that the acid burn marks could be contagious. It was even hard for Virgil to look at sometimes, though it was more out of guilt that he could have prevented the damage than fear. The cut that spread from his lip to his ear, the burns across half of his face, the deep eye bags forming in both eyes from a lack of sleep from nightmares; it was all too much for Virgil. Janus had already stated many times that Virgil was not at fault, and he did the smart thing in that situation, it was by no means enough to calm his conscience.

His focus snapped back to the teacher at a call of his name. His head was too heavy with emotion to care about if he was right or wrong, so he answered with something close enough to the topic on hand.

Virgil raised his hand and requested he be allowed to go to the bathroom, which the teacher granted. He purposefully took a wrong turn at the junction between the bathroom nook and the social studies's hallway. He walked by the classrooms with purpose, pulling a yellow piece of paper out of his backpack to look like a pass, though it was months old by now.

He slipped out a back door, pulling his hood over his head, taking a door where a kid had busted a camera months ago, but no one had bothered to fix. Virgil looked around, wary of his surroundings, checking the corners as he walked by them. By the time he had gotten close to his motorcycle, he let his guard down and hopped on. Just as he was swinging his other leg over, his shoulders were grabbed, and he was slammed to the ground, the vulnerable position leaving him open and easy to hit. He looked up at the two men, trying to not show the fear he was feeling in his gut on his face. One of the men, a lanky blond in a chunky hoodie with some logo on it, sneered down at him and tried to land a kick on Virgil's face. Virgil dodged, rolling over onto the grass before quickly getting to his feet.

He observed the other man, this one being a more built, broad man with a short, near shaved hairstyle. He dawned the school's varsity jacket, it only added to the intimidation factor of his strong build. Virgil grounded himself, not wanting to seem offensive but ready to protect himself.

"Pretty boy thinks he can protect himself, huh?" The taller one said, cocking his head to the side.

"Maybe if you got it through your thick skull that I have fought and won plenty of times before, you'd come out unscathed by the end." Virgil clenched his fists, trying to appear more threatening.

The shorter one laughed heartily, "and be scared by a scrawny thing like you? No way!"

Before Virgil could process what he had said, the well-built man was charging at him. Adrenaline pumping, he thrust his arms above his face in an attempt to block out blows and possibly catch the other's fist. He successfully does both, putting all his weight into throwing off the other's balance. The other man stubbles back, not expecting the shift. The taller one goes after Virgil, next, lunging towards Virgil's waist to take him down to the ground. Virgil ducks down, falling onto the ground in a far less painful way than if he had stayed still. The taller man being above him, he jerked up his hips and legs, his heels digging into the other's stomach and chest. Blond-y fell back, Virgil's combat boots more than enough to cause some pain. Not at all ideal shoes for fighting, but they added a lot of weight to his blows. Virgil took the lift from the kick to get back to his feet, turning to face the man in the varsity jacket, not letting the other out of his sight, though.

"So the little boy can fight, huh?" The one standing sneered.

"Like you're not a good 12 inches shorter than me," Virgil said back, his tone low and guarded.

The man laughed heartily, "I enjoy a good fight and, while I'm not satisfied, I can see I'm gonna lose. So, wanna join?"

"'Wanna join?'" Virgil asked incredulously.

"Yup! Screw that 'lil boyfriend of yours and see what you can do for us."

"Do for you? What's in it for me?"

"Nothing! Well, for now. You gotta prove yourself and such."

Virgil tapped his foot on the ground and pretended to think, "Can I have time to think it over?"

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Just, like, tell us by Friday?" The taller one had finally recovered and stood up by now.

Friday was in two days, plenty of time to convince Janus to let him in first. Otherwise, he'd probably take these two goons' offer.

"Yeah...I'll let you know."

So, if you didn't know, all the chapter titles are song names and I made a playlist of all the songs!

I'll put it in the comments but if you guys know how to make it easier to access, let me know and I'll add it to the next update :)

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