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Not much was said after that, a slightly uncomfortable air around the two. Virgil offered to take Janus to lunch, which was accepted after a beat of thought. They both rode back into town square on the motorcycle, Janus slightly calmer this time around. Virgil took them to a small place in town, a restaurant, but it was the prominent sign and flag of many colors out front that surprised Janus.

They walked in, the smell of baked goods and seasoning wafting through the air. They seated themselves in the back corner booth and looked at the menus that were propped up behind the salt and pepper shakers.

Virgil sat uneasily, unsure how to ask Janus for his order. That, and while he knew he had to do it, as he was paying, he really did not want to order, period. His tougher appearance always seems to falter when it came to that sort of thing, his stomach churning in his gut.

Virgil opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He cursed at his voice for not working correctly.

Unfortunately, Janus seemed to take notice, "Uh, I'll just do a black coffee and tuna sandwich, I guess."

Virgil smiled coyly, standing and putting their menus back, "A man after my own bitter coffee heart."

"How did I know exactly that you'd be a black coffee drinker? Not that you like it, more that you get two hours of sleep every night and that's all that gets you through the day?"

Virgil placed a hand over his heart, letting out a playful, offended gasp, "Calling me out? How rude!" He turned heel and went to the short line in front of the counter to order. He watched as the line shortened, his fists twisting and turning his jacket sleeve to ground himself. He breathed hard, willing himself not to start shaking.

Before he would like, he got to the front and ordered. It sounded normal to anyone else, but Virgil was aware of just how close to a fumbling mess his words almost were.

He took the ticket from the cashier and stood by the large yellow and brown 'Pick-up' sign. He fidgeted, the poor ticket being crumbled and rolled around, a few tears appearing. But, not soon enough, his number was called, and he exchanged the paper for the tray. Virgil carefully balanced it to the table, making sure not to spill any of the steaming hot drinks on himself. Janus watched and gently took his part of the meal from the tray, popping open the clear plastic container that held his sandwich and chips. Virgil did the same, taking the lid off his coffee to let it cool faster. Janus kept his on and immediately drank, Virgil giving him a slightly uncomfortable look, earning him a chuckle.

Virgil ate, not enjoying the complete silence between them.
"You're in my math, right?" Janus said.

Virgil nodded, "Yeah, why?"
Janus hummed in thought, "Are you any good?"

"I mean, I get B's if I try, which I obviously don't, seeing as how 'm failing it."

"Could you tutor me?"

"Tutor you? Me? No! Go ask Logan. That one kid in the front of the class, ya know?"


"Look, man, I will if you really need it but I probably won't make a huge difference. Why do you want it anyway?" Virgil tilted his head in curiosity, taking another bit of food while Janus spoke.

"I actually do want to get decent grades, so I can have a good job. College isn't an option but I can have some sort of future outside of crime and my parents."

Virgil mulled over his options for a moment before giving in and simply nodding. Janus smiled gratefully and stood, "I'm gonna go get a cookie, want one?" Virgil pursed his lips and nodded, "Sounds good."

Janus got up and went to the counter, waiting in the slightly longer line. When he got to the front, Virgil watched as his expression turned sour, his stance becoming stiff. He looked to who Janus was talking to, recognizing him. The worker seemed just as disgusted at seeing Janus, angrily pressing buttons on the cash register to complete the order. Janus returned and sat not long after, giving Virgil his cookie.

"What's your deal with that guy?" Virgil pointed his index finger to the red-clad man.

He huffed, "Ex's brother. He recognized me."

He gave him an exasperated look, "Dude, that's my brother's boyfriend, you can't just tell me that!"

"Look, I didn't know and now you do."

Virgil paused, "Wait, you're gay?"
Janus nodded, bitting his inner lip, "I mean, yeah."

Virgil suppressed a grin, "Relax, me too. We don't judge here."

He sighed and nodded. "I've got to go. See you tomorrow?" He paused then, "Maybe after school?"

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