Let's Fall In Love

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He looked out to his bedroom, finding Janus on his phone, lying on his bed as he exited. Janus gave him a gentle smile, motioning for Virgil to sit beside him. Virgil sat, wringing his fingers that he couldn’t seem to stretch enough so satisfy him as he watched the worn floor tiles. Janus brought out his first-aid kit and began working on patching Virgil up but the tallest didn’t seem to react. He moved when Janus’s hands prompted him to but his face showed little emotion. His head felt fuzzy, but not like he was going to pass out. Dots didn’t blur his vision but he felt as if he suddenly needed glasses. The silence he felt like he could hear was deafening, the feeling of his heart beating and running through his veins so much stronger than he had ever felt before. 

    Suddenly, a gentle hand was on his face and all the confusion melted away as he locked eyes with Janus, the boy’s yellow-brown eyes boring down at him with an intense sweetness, just inches from his face. Janus looked down to his phone before typing a simple ‘are you okay?’ and showing it to Virgil. Virgil smiled and nodded, hoping he looked like he was telling the truth.

    “Just zoning out, is all.” Virgil said, noticing he was now completely wrapped up in gauze and a splint for his leg.

    “Can we talk? Nothing bad but I did read your letter and wanted to ask you something,” Janus wrote in the text message. Virgil hummed a yes, laying back in his bed as Janus did the same, Virgil slipping under the covers while the other did not, just laying on his side. Janus continued his text, “It’s about the confession. It was very sweet of you to try and set a date up to return the favor but you don’t need to, even now. So, my question is, is the offer of a date still standing?”

    Virgil bit his lip nervously as he read over the text several times, his mind trying to process what he was reading. Before he could think twice, he looked up to Janus and nodded.

    Janus’s smile grew ten-fold. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he wrapped Virgil in a hug. It was tight but avoiding all the places Janus knew were hurt, not wanting it to become an unhappy moment. Virgil cautiously reciprocated the hug, carefully rubbing Janus back as he realized the hug was going to last a while. 

    It was several minutes before Janus let go tears slowly dripping down his cheeks, urgently typing on his phone.

    “Thank you for being my escape; for fulfilling your promise.”


Sorry for the long note but bad news, this is the last chapter. Truth be told, this is not the ending I planned but I would rather have a bad ending than none. This was my passion project for so long but I was digging my feet through the mud for several chapters now. I have just generally not been super into the fandom right now, moving onto other things. I am currently working on a new story but it’s within the DreamSMP fandom. Look on my profile in a few days if you are reading this as it comes out but otherwise, check it out if you’re interested. I hope this ending was somewhat satisfying and that you can enjoy the bittersweet ending.

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