Calm Me Down

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A/N Enjoy some Pat and Roman fluff :)

TW: mention of abuse and running away

The boys laid around the bed in silence, the weight of the conversation still holding their hearts down. They both had words on their lips, the words too strong to leave, their brains wracking with the possibilities. 



    And so they went back to silence, Virgil fighting back his speech and Janus needing the silence for his impending headache.

    “Let’s run away, then.” Virgil rushed out quickly, just needing to get the plea off his chest. 


    “Let’s run away. My life sucks and you hate your’s. Patton will stay with one or both of his boyfriends and he’ll be fine. Or he can come with, I will make sure you don’t care. We’ll go to the countryside and wait a year ‘til we’re eighteen and then reappear as new people. We both have reasons in the eyes of the court for a name change and then we’ll be fine. Split ways after that, I don’t care but we have no reason to stay in this hell hole, do we?”

    “Virgil, I do have to stay here, you kn-” he was cut off by Virgil speaking again.

    “No, you don’t. You can escape, I promise.”

    “You don’t understand, Virge. I have burns on half my face and a huge potential scar. Don’t you think someone will recognize me?” 

    Virgil looked down in shame, the realization that he was easily recognizable sinking down on him. “But isn’t it worth trying?”

    Janus shook his head, “I’m sorry but no. I can help you get away but the best I can do is plan an escape route and maybe a place to stay. I’m sorry but I need to stay here.”

    Virgil’s brow furrowed further, “Why not?” 

    Janus rolled his eyes at the indignant tone. “I can’t tell you.”

    “Why not?” Virgil repeated.

    “‘Cause that brakes the whole ‘secret I can’t tell anyone’ thing.” His tone was dry and clearly, it was a sensitive topic. 

    “Well, if you’re not gonna tell me, at least give me a good reason why not. I kinda wanna stick with you and it’s hard when you’re bring this difficult.”

    “That is my good reason, Virgil!”

    Virgil’s mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say. The tears that had once disappeared from Janus’s eyes had now returned and he didn’t know what to do so he laid back onto the bed, stress deep in his body.

    “I’m so-” He was interrupted by his ring tone, which was singing “I Go Hungry” by Mother Mother loudly. Virgil answered the call, seeing that it was Patton.

    “Hello?” Patton asked in a strained voice.

    “Pat? Hey, what’s up?” He bit lightly on his thumb nail, worried his mother had done something to him.

    “I’m at the tree behind the school. I ran here ‘cause mom-”

    He was shushed by Virgil who didn’t want Janus to hear about his family, “I gotcha. I’ll be there in ten. I’m assuming you just don’t want to home alone with her?”

    “No, uh, Roman invited me over but he just got his licensed revoked and his house is too far to walk.”

    “That’s good. Well, that he could take you in for tonight. Not the license part. I’ll, uh, be there soon. I have to grab my bike then head over. Sound good?”

    “Mhm,” his brother hummed, his tone finally going back to somewhat relaxed; Virgil’s gentle voice always did that to him.

    “Alright, see you. Love you.”

    “Love you too,” Patton replied, just before Virgil hung up.

    “Going, I guess?” Janus asked.

    “Yeah. I’m not gonna abandon him out there. It looks like it’s gonna rain.” Virgil stood and grabbed his leather jacket, swinging it on. 

    “‘Kay.” Janus said lazily, to exhausted to do much else.

    Virgil headed out, taking one last glance at Janus before hopping out of the window and down into the alley. He walked for a while before finding his bike, quickly hopping and heading over to the school. He stopped in the parking lot and shot Patton a text, anxiously waiting for him to arrive, his foot tapping on the edge of the motorcycle lighty.  Eventually, Patton appeared from behind the school and hopped on the bike, grabbing a helmet from Virgil. His was originally a white helmet they found on the street that Virgil had taken and cleaned up for him, his brother having very little money to buy such items after buying his bike. 

    “Hey,” Virgil said, his tone back to it’s normal sharpness but it was warmer than with Janus.

    “Hey,” Patton repeated in a much softer tone, wrapping his arms around Virgil’s waist to stay attached. 

    Virgil chose to drive off, not wanting to talk much. The twenty minute ride to Roman’s was silent, the boys just enjoying the ride. Virgil parked outside of a large house with a long driveway, the bushes surrounding it used to create a sense of privacy.

    “See you,” Virgil said quietly, not wanting to disturb the neighbors since the way he was dressed indicated he didn't belong in the area. He watched Patton be let in doors, turning and leaving the area to go back home. 

    Patton looked at the inside of Roman’s home, though he couldn’t get used to it like he could Logan’s home. It was too grand, too white. It all looked like a hospital with way too much money to burn on decor. He didn’t have long to dwell on it as he was swooped up and off his feet, into a pair of strong arms.

    “Roman!” Patton squealed, knowing his boyfriend would be careful with him.

    “Yes, my princess?” Roman asked, drawing out the ‘s’ in ‘yes’ to indicate his playful mood.

    “You scared me!” Pat scolded.

    “Did not.”

    “Did too!”

    Roman let out a breathy laugh and gently set Patton down.

    “I didn’t say to let me down, goof!” He adored being held and babied and both his boyfriends knew it well.

    “Fine, fine,” he said, picking Pat back up bridal style. Patton nuzzled his face into Roman’s chest and smiled.

    “Tired?” Roman asked, earning a confirmatory nod and hum in response. Roman thought for a second, “cuddles and music in my bed, then?” to which he got the same response. Roman carried Patton upstairs, one hand running through Pat’s hair as they walked. He opened a pearl white door with his hip, heading inside.

    Patton opened his eyes sleepily to the bedroom, watching as Roman opened the sheer canopy over his bed and set him down.

    “I’m just going to change, okay?” Roman whispered. Patton nodded and curled up, not minding that he was sleeping in a polo and khakis. Roman was about to object and offer him some clothes but his boyfriend looked far too peaceful to disturb. He changed in the room, not caring what Patton saw, before slipping into bed with him, spooning Patton’s back before drifting off into sleep like the boy beside him.

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