O My Heart

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TW: Minor verbal anger/fighting, anxiety

    Virgil sighed and flopped his head onto Patton’s lap, once again exhausted after a long day of work. Patton giggled a little and whipped out Virgil’s patchwork hoodie out from under Virgil’s head. It softly landed on Virgil’s face but the taller one made no move to fix it. Patton sewed up a hole Virgil has managed to dig into the cuffs, humming a tune softly.

    “I think Janus is avoiding me,” Virgil said curtly, slightly muffled due to the layers of cotton on him.

    “Have you talked to him?” Patton asked sweetly.

    “Yes! I haven’t called him ‘cause that feels clingy, though.” He slouched more and let out a little groan, his feet giving out and his knees falling to the bed.

    “Well, why don’t you do that? I’m sure he’ll understand. Maybe just ask him to hang out?” Patton gently removed the jacket from Virgil’s face, stitching a few more stitches once his brother was freed.

    Virgil mulled it over before sitting up and grabbing his phone. He scrolled through the contact before landing on Janus’s. He tapped the phone icon and held the phone up to his ear, waiting as the ringing began.





Just as the last tone was beginning to play and Virgil was about to hang up, Janus answered.

    “Hello?” Virgil greeted.

    “Hello, Virgil.” The voice was deeper than Janus’s, almost unnaturally so. Virgil bit his lip nervously but brushed it off as the phone distorting his voice.

    “Are you free today? I haven’t heard from you, but I’m kinda bored.” Virgil said, his tone sounding normal despite the nervousness in his system.

    “Actually, Virgil, can we talk now?” Virgil’s heart rate sped up even further, fearing the worst. It couldn’t be good after a week of ghosting him and now not even wanting to meet.

    “Hello?” The voice called once again.

    “I, uh, yeah, go ahead.” He felt Patton’s hands gently hug him, his anxiety was usually obvious to his brother.

    “Well,” Janus said, drawing out the end of the word, “I would rather meet up on a da-” The person on the other end made an angry noise away from the phone.

    “What? A date?” Virgil asked incredulously.

    “Mhm! An- Hey!” Virgil heard as the phone impacted onto something hard and two voices argued. Virgil immediately hung up, trying to not be triggered by the fighting.

    “What was that?” He whispered to himself.

    “Are you okay?” Patton asked, hugging him tighter. He put the now-fixed jacket around Virgil’s shoulder, a new dusty purple patch on the stretchy cuffs. Patton just got a nod in response, Virgil groaning an hanging up the phone when it began to ring again. “V, you should hear him out. You like him, right? So accept the invitation!”

    Virgil shook his head, “I think that was a prank from one of his friends. Didn’t sound like him.”

    “So? It has to of come from somewhere right? It sounded happy so it might of been a friend or sibling.” Patton offered with an encouraging smile.

    “No, he doesn’t have any siblings and he’s never mentioned a friend other than me.” He hugged the jacket closer to his shoulders, not having the mental energy to put it on. Patton didn’t say anything more and Virgil was glad for it, not able to bear much else at the moment, breathing in counts to calm himself down.

    “What the hell?” Janus yelled. “You can’t just do that!” He ran over and grabbed the phone from the ground, the plush carpet softening the blow. He made sure the screen wasn’t cracked before standing to face Remy.

    “But I did!” Remy exclaimed triumphantly.

    “Uhuh, and what’s he gonna do when he finds out it wasn’t me?”

    “Well me acting like you and asking him on a date had to come from somewhere, right? So, if anything, it’s a push in the right direction; an incentive for you to come out and tell him.” Remy gave him a cheery smile, sitting down on the bed, pulling the back of his jacket up from under him.

    “Rem…” Janus said, his tone deep and dangerous.

    “Yes?” Remy chimed back happily, clearly not thinking what he did was anywhere near serious.

    “I don’t care what ‘benefits,’” he used air quotes, “you think this will have because I should be allowed to have my moment!” His voice gradually got louder, his anger apparent. Remy sank down some, unsure of what to say.

    “There’s no going back but you owe me, okay?” Remy gave a weak nod in response, his usual cocky demeanor now gone, understanding what he did now.

    “What are you going to do?” Remy asked.

    “I guess I’ll tell him…” Janus replied, sighing and leaning against the bedpost. His fists clenched against the polished but slightly scratched up wood.

    “Really?” Remy asked excitedly.

    “You’ve left me with no choice so I guess so.”

Hopefully I will get a chapter out before the new year but I have trouble writing when I’m not in school so no promises but be on the lookout for it!

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