Chapter 3 : How Many People Want Us Dead?

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Rhys' POV

"Okay Mr.Roboto, I think you've had enough to drink." Sasha said as she pulled away the glass from me which was still half full. I groaned in frustration, I only had about two glasses of moonshine, which is some strong stuff, I guess Sasha doesn't want me to get drunk.I banged my head on the counter in frustration. I then felt a strange presence behind me.

"Wow. You had quite a bit didn't you?" I turned to see Jack's face in my face. Weird. Considering that I havn't had much at all.

"Where have you been?" I questioned.

"Who are you talking to?" Fiona asked as she looked at me confused. "And don't say 'noone' because you have been talking to someone." I looked at her and then at Jack, I can't tell her that I can see Jack.

"And why not?" Jack asked. "Why can't you tell her that you can see me?" Oh great. So he can hear my thoughts. "Yep." He said with a smirk.

"I er- just thinking out loud. I guess." I replied to Fiona.

"Come on Rhys. We should get going," Vaughn said as he finished his drink off.

"Yea, Sunshine! Lets get outta this place!" Jack said as he headed for the door using his hand to try and open the door, instead he just phased through it, "Woops. Forgot that I can't really touch things," he said as he looked at his hands.

"Hey uh- where are you guys staying? I assume that Hyperion is still after you two." Fiona said.

"Oh yeah." I realised.

"'Oh yeah'." Fiona mimicked. I glared at her before sighing,

"I dunno. Car?"

"You want me to sleep in a car? On Pandora?" Vaughn questioned. I folded my arms and shrugged.

"You Hyperion are never prepared huh?" Sasha said.

"Woah woah woah, what does she mean by 'You Hyperion'? I could just-" Jack began but Vaughn cut him off.

"Come on. We aren't that bad." Vaughn looked around the bar, "But uh... we could use a place to stay the night. We would go back to Helios if it wasn't for Vasquez."

"Maybe we could uh- stay at your place. JUST for tonight..." I asked.

"I don't think it would be wise to have a hyperion under the same roof as us." Fiona said to Sasha.

"What's wrong with these-" Jack can hardly ever finish a sentence.

"I understand. They could slit our throats in the night or something." Sasha joked with a smirk.

"Can you lot have your conversation outside. I may have forgiven you for the fake vault key but I am still tempted to kill you, so get out." August said as he strolled into the room. Forgot that August works here.

"August. Still your mean old self I guess." Sasha stated before she headed out the door.

"Can we go now?! It's so boring on this planet." Jack said as he left. Vaughn followed Sasha out.

"So... about us staying at yours...." I began.

"Let me think... No." She said

"W-wait what? Why not?" I questioned.

"Well for one thing... you are Hyperion." She replied. I groaned in annoyance,

"Are you seriously not past that?" I glared at her, "We aren't like those other Hyperion assholes up there!" I mentioned.


"Oh come on! Just let me a Vaughn stay for one night and we'll sleep somewhere else tomor-" I was cut off as a ringing sound was coming from my robotic arm.

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