Chapter 7 : Secrets Are Out

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Rhys' POV

I looked over at Athena who had a pissed off look. I decided to distract her,

"Hey Athena! Look it's Handsome Jack!" I said as I pointed behind her.

"Where?!" She asked in anger as she looked behind her. I reached inside the vehicle and pressed the button on the Gortys project. The metal ball then formed into a robot.

"Oh! Hi! Who are you?" Gortys said happily.

"Gortys! Run back to Fiona!" I shouted at her.

"Ohhhh you're friends with Fiona! Okey Dokey!" Athena tried her hardest to hold onto Gortys but she managed to jump out of her grasp and run towards Fiona. Athena then got out of the truck and pushed me down to the ground with her sheild, she then pulled out her sword and aimed it at my throat.

"I knew you would betray us, Rhys!" Athena shouted.

"Athena! Don't..." Springs said as calmly as she could. Athena applied more pressure to the tip of the sword. I tried to gulp but it just caused pain.

"Come on you idiot, do something!" Jack exclaimed.

Fiona's POV

Gortys was hiding behind Sasha, I looked over towards Rhys and I saw that he was pinned by Athena's sword as it was harshly pressed against his throat.

"Come on, Fiona. Just leave him, he's a huge douchebag." Sasha said as she picked up Gortys and started to head back inside the RV.

"We can't just leave him! Isn't he your friend?" Gortys said whilst she was in Sasha's arms. Sasha stopped in her tracks as she heard a pained cry come Rhys' direction, I looked over to see that Athena applied even MORE pressure onto the sword.

"Athena!" I said as I walked towards her and Rhys.

"Back. Off." Athena said slowly but with some aggresion.

"Come on, you don't have to do this..." I said, trying to calm her down.

"MY HUMAN NEEDS ME!" a robotic voice sounded and a huge crash sounded nearby. It was loader bot. He walked towards Athena and picked her up and threw her into Springs' vehicle. "Bye." He simply said as he started to push the car away.

"This won't be the last time you see me, Hyperion!" Athena gritted her teeth. She then slammed the car door as Springs drove off. I looked at Rhys who was on the ground gripping his throat in pain, I could see some blood that Athena's blade must've drawn.

"Ah, fuck." Rhys breathed heavily. I offered him a hand which he quickly accepted, I pulled him to his feet before punching him hard on his arm. "Yep. That's what I need more pain." Rhys said as he rubbed his arm where I punched him.

"Hiiii! I'm Gortys, and you arrrre...." Gortys came towards Rhys. I gave her a soft smile as did Rhys, he kneeled down by Gortys and softly said,

"Hey, Gortys! I'm Rhys."

"Rhys? Awesome!" Gortys exclaimed. Rhys stood back up Loaderbot came over,

"Hi, you must be Gortys," Loaderbot said as he waved to Gortys.

"Hi!" Gortys said with glee, Rhys looked at me and said,

"Soooo...can I-"

"Stay?" I finished his sentence for him. He nodded slightly. I adjusted my hat before saying, "Sure. Why not." I looked over towards the RV and noticed that Sasha had already gone inside and dragged Vaughn with her. I then glanced at Rhys again and I noticed him feeling his neck again, there was clearly some blood. "Come on, Rhys. Lets get you patched up." He followed me into the RV. Loaderbot stayed outside. Gortys was once again in sleep mode, Vaughn was still paralysed and he was lying motionless with his eyes closed on the chair, Sasha probably went back to the top of the RV to spend time with August. Rhys sat down on the couch and I opened a loot chest inside the RV which contained medical supplies. I sat beside Rhys with all the supplies I needed.

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