Chapter 11: Getting out of here

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Rhys' POV
I let out a groan as my eyes finally opened. My ECHO eye soon came online as I looked around at my surroundings. The door to the pod was open, and the sun gleamed in. There was no sign of Fiona anywhere.

"Hey dumb dumb. You alright?" Jack asked.

I sighed as I tried to sit up, soon giving up and lying back down, "Wh-Why am I in so much pain right now?"

"Well, kiddo... You did just plummet to the surface of Pandora from Helios. You had quite a nasty fall." he stated, "Well er... Fiona went to find help because of your... Current situation."

"Wha-" I finally looked at my cyber arm. There was a big shard of glass jammed in it at the shoulder. It was half the size of the glass door! "Agh... That would explain why the door is half gone... Gonna have to get a new arm."

"Well, you ain't moving unless you either get that glass out of ya... Or you rip your entire fricking arm off!" he laughed, "Now I'd love to help ya but er... I'm a hologram." He shrugged, "Don't go dying from blood loss, kitten. Cuz if you die, I die. We can't be having that."

I groaned, "I-I just need to detach my arm from me. Real quick."

"Real painful." Jack added.

"You better not." Fiona said as she arrived.

"Well I can't exactly leave this inside my arm. If you can't get the glass out, then the arm has to go." I told her, "Look... You just went to find help, right? So what I'm asking is... Did you find any help?"

"No." She stated, "But there is a Catch-A-Ride not too far from here. We can get a car and drive to Hollow Poi-."


Fiona sighed, "Claptrap..." She turned around before revealing her gun and aiming it... But she soon lowered it as she shook her head, "Are you serious, Claptrap?"

"Wh-What? What is it?" I asked.

"IT'S GONNA KILL US ALL!" I heard Claptrap yell as he pushed past Fiona. He quickly tripped and fell into the pod, next to me.

"He's very overreacting, isn't he?" I heard Gortys' voice

"Yes he is." Fiona said. She turned to look at me, "It's only a Pup Skag with three legs. Not doing anything other than walking."

"Well... At least it's not a Bullymong." I sighed.


"Oh... Someone please shut that idiot up." Jack moaned.

"What Jack said..." I agreed.

"Erm... Can't exactly hear Jack, Rhys." Fiona said.

"Oh... Right..." I muttered.

"Who is Jack?" Gortys asked.

"Rhys' imaginary friend." Fiona told Gortys, earning a glare from me.

"Ooooh, okay." Gortys exclaimed.

"No no no no. She did not just call me imaginary." Jack said with a cold stare.

"You hurt Jack's feelings, Fi." I smiled, "You should apologise."

Fiona rolled her eyes, "Look... We have more important matters to deal with." She leaned down and somehow managed to pull the heavy Claptrap out of the pod.

"Damn, she's a strong one, Rhysie. Definitely a keeper." Jack stated, "I'll let the 'imaginary' thing slide..."

Fiona then climbed into the pod and knelt down next to me, "How are we gonna get this out of your arm?" She wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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