Chapter 5 : We Are Vault Hunters

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A/N: Sorry for not updating! D: Don't hate me :'( Enjoy this chapter!

 Rhys held the side of his face, the mysterious guy call Mr. E had punched him in the ECHO-eye. Mr. E was someone that Athena had met a few weeks ago, and he was going to help Athena, Springs and Rhys find a vault."Don't sass me!" Mr. E said to Rhys as he walked towards the couch and sat down. 

"What's going on in here?" Athena asked as she walked into the room with Springs.

"This asshole just punched me in my ECHO-eye and now it's glitching out and I can't see anything out of it!" Rhys exclaimed as he tried so hard to make his ECHO-eye work. 

"What did you do?" Athena question, angrily. 

"He shouldn't be sassing me!" Mr. E complained.

"He can be a bit sassy and an asshole at times..." Athena replied. 

"He's the asshole," Rhys corrected. Mr. E stood up and started to walk menacingly towards Rhys. Athena walked towards Mr. E and put her hands out to stop him from progressing towards Rhys. 

"However we don't need any violence IN the house. If you want to be a pain in the ass then go outside." There was silence between us all until Springs asked, 

"Is it fixable?" 

"I dunno! I don't think so, not without the correct Hyperion tech!" Rhys said. 

"Stop whining!" Mr. E said, "If you go ahead with this plan that I have in mind I will fix it for you!" 

"B-but won't I need my ECHO-eye for this job? You know, to scan things?" Rhys questioned. 

"No, you will not need to scan anything for this mission. It's simple. You go in, take something, you go out." He began. 

"Do you need us to help?" Springs asked. Even though she didn't fully approve of Athena and the vault hunting, she DEFINITELY wanted to get her hands on some of the riches that belonged to the vault. 

"Hmm... Yes. Yes I do. But first, let me go over the plan..." Mr. E started as everyone sat down on the couches. "I have used Rhys' loaderbot and we managed to locate a Gortys project! There are only a few in existence but we were lucky enough to find one nearby. It's on top of a hill a few miles South from Hollow Point, it is inside a bright red caravan. I have noticed that on Wednesdays, two people are on 'lookout' but those two people don't really pay attention to what is happening anyways. (A/N: You will know why these two people don't do their job properly soon!) Rhys will be the one to go in there and grab the Gortys project, Springs, you will be in the vehicle for the getaway and Athena, you will be Rhys' backup if he messes up. Cuz we ALL know that he tends to mess up a lot." He finished. 

"Um no I do not." Rhys mentioned. 

"What exactly will YOU be doing this whole time?" Athena asked. 

"Well I will make sure that no one else knows about the Gortys project AND I have a team of bandits to help prevent anyone from coming near the caravan." Mr. E explained in confidence. 

"Wait wait wait, if you have a team of bandits why don't we just rush them and take the Gortys by force?" Rhys asked. 

"We don't know what kind of people are in there. For all we know they could be trained vault hunters, and we REALLY don't need to cause a mess!" Mr. E said.

Rhys' POV 

 "Yea dumbass! Don't want ya to die!" Jack shouted in my ear. "Oh wow, you can't even see me cuz you ECHO-eye is broken." 

"I can still hear your annoying voice though." I mumbled. Luckily no one heard me. Jack keeps popping up everyday whenever he pleases either to piss me off or just walk around exploring. 

"I am HANDSOME Jack, I am NOT annoying!" He said. 

"Right. Now that that is sorted, we will move out at sundown!" Mr. E exclaimed before standing up and leaving the room. 

Fiona's POV 

 "Let's try this the EASIEST way possible." I began, "There's an air vent there." I whispered to Sasha. There was an air vent above the door to the room where Vaughn was. 

"Lemme guess. You want ME to go in there and save that nerds ass." Sasha said. I nodded with a smile. She sighed before saying, "FINE! But you owe me a drink because I am pretty much risking my life right now." 

"Yea sure. I'll create a distraction and you go in the air vent and get Vaughn." Sasha nodded before jumping up to the grate that was covering the vent, she swiftly pulled it off and put it on the floor. She climbed into the air vent which led into the room. I looked around the hallway that I was in and noticed a metal pipe lying on the floor nearby, I picked it up and started to hit the wall with it. 

"What the hell is going on out there?" I could hear Finch's voice coming from the room. 

"I dunno! Go and check!" Kroger commanded Finch. I stopped banging the wall as the door opened, Finch walked out and said, 

"What the hell?!" I quickly shot him in the head with the corrosive element. He collapsed onto the floor and held his head in pain. 

"Jesus Christ, Finch! What the fuck is going on?" Kroger asked as he walked out of the room, "HEY! What the hell do you think you are doing?" He asked me, I tried to change the gun element but he quickly stopped me by pushing me to the ground and he swiftly pulled the gun out of my sleeve. I heard the banging of metal coming from the vent, Sasha must've gotten Vaughn. Kroger aimed the gun at me and just as he was about to pull the trigger I heard a small robotic voice call my name, 

"Fiona!" The small robot managed to jump onto Kroger, successfully pushing him over. 

"Gortys!" I said happily. "Thanks." I picked up my gun before we quickly started to run down the hallway. I looked behind me and saw Kroger and Finch starting to stand up, Sasha and Vaughn then climbed out of the vent and jumped onto Kroger and Finch so they both instantly fell back down again. We slowed down so that Vaughn and Sasha could catch up, we all started to head for the exit. Suddenly, an alarm sounded. 

"This is bad! That alarm is gonna bring more bandits to us!" Vaughn said as we started to run a bit faster with Vaughn behind us as he wasn't really a fast runner. We were about to reach the exit but the door exploded and about 20 bandits started to pile in. All I heard was gunfire and Vaughn screaming like girl before we all managed to hide behind some boxes. "Oh god what do we do now?" Vaughn asked. 

"Err-" I said, a loud car horn then sounded outside. 

"WELCOME TO SCOOTER'S CATCH A RIIIDE'S PERSONAL VEHICLE!!!!" It was Scooter's voice. It was a lot louder as it was coming from some speakers that surrounded us. Scooter's 'personal' vehicle then came bombing in through the door running over most of the bandits in the process. "Get in the car yall!" Scooter shouted. 

"Hurry up!" August shouted from behind the vehicle. He came in and started shooting some of the bandits. Sasha and I also started to fire our guns at the remaining bandits. Gortys quickly zoomed towards Scooter's truck and she jumped into the back of it. Me, Vaughn and Sasha managed to run past the very little bandits that were left and we all hopped into the truck, followed by August. Kroger and Finch appeared in front of us and started to shoot the truck. 

"Drive, Scooter! Drive!" I shouted. 

"Alright alright!" Scooter put the truck into reverse before he quickly started to drive us back to our caravan near Hollow Point. I heard Kroger shouting in anger behind us, 

"GODDAMNIT, FINCH! Why'd you let em get away?!" He shouted. 

"Me?!" Finch replied. 

All that effort to save someone. Think I'll have the day off tomorrow. 

 A/N:Sorry for a short (maybe boring) chapter but next chapter I actually can't wait to write! (P.S. Rhys and Fiona will meet again next chapter.... Something to look forward to.)THANKS FOR READING!

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