Chapter 8 : Shut Your (Clap)Trap

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Rhys' POV

"Oh dude, you almost kissed her! Damn, pumpkin, you could've slept with her!" Jack said.

"Shut up!" I said.

"What? I didn't say anyt-" Fiona stopped, "You were talking to Jack weren't you?" I nodded. "Heh, I'm gonna have to get used to that." She said as she folded her arms.

A few days later

For the past few days I havn't been able to take my eye off of Fiona, damn she is beautiful.

"Yea she is!" Jack exclaimed. I forgot that he can read my mind. I can see Jack now, Scooter managed to fix my ECHO-eye up, even if it did take about eight hours. "Listen cupcake..." I looked at Jack, we were on top of the RV and everyone else had gone to the world of curiosities to get some money and more ammo. "I know you wanna bang that chick."

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know." He replied with a glare. I lay down on my back before saying,

"So what? It's never gonna happen anyway..." I placed my hand over my eyes.

"WOAH, Kiddo! I didn't think you would actually admit it!" He exclaimed. "She digs you, man. I bet you'll bang soon."

"Don't say it like that, it sounds weird." I said as I stood up and went down the ladder. I got to the bottom of the ladder, turned around and Jack appeared in front of me.

"Don't be so down, pumpkin. Hat lady is perrrrfect for ya."

"How many nicknames can a person even come up with?" I asked as I folded my arms.

"What? Princess? Pumpkin? Cupcake? Walnut head?" he started to name some.

"Walnut head?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Vasquez is Wallet head and you are Walnut head! The perfect duo!" Jack chanted.

"Wallet head? Why was he called that?"

"H-he was going through these hair implants an-and I would stick money to his head... it's confusing but hilarious."

"Annnnd why am I called Walnut head?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Simple. Your head looks like a walnut!"

"Wooooow, thanks." I said as I exited the RV to be greeted with Loaderbot and Gortys.

"Hey, Rhys!" Gortys said, happily.

"Hey Gortys, hey Loaderbot," I smiled.

"Hi." Loaderbot replied.

"HEY!" a female voice sounded as I started to look around. I looked at Jack and he just shrugged then disappered. Great, he was helpful. I was suddenly tackled to the ground, "You're coming with me." she said.

"Loaderbot hel-" I paused as I looked at Loaderbot and Gortys. They had both been shot with shock damage by a woman with red hair. The person who had tackled me had raven-coloured hair and a hat, they were also aiming a pistol at my head.

"Nice job, ladies." that voice. Who could forget that voice?

"Vazquez." I simply said.

"Hello, Rhys! Long time no see. How long has it been? Over a year?" He allowed me to stand and he and the raven haired woman aimed their guns at me. The crimson haired woman was aiming a corrosive elemental weapon at Loaderbot and Gortys in case they made a move.

"Wh- what uh do you want from me?" I questioned with my hands both up.

"We're here to take you back to Helios, we have some... testing we need to do on you." Vazquez stated as he walked towards me. Athena may have taught me how to defend myself, but there was no way in hell I was going to escape three people with guns. "Come on! Let's go!" Vasquez announced. The raven haired woman came behind me and cuffed me, I started to get dragged away from the RV and the damaged Loaderbot. Vasquez had picked up Gortys, "And you... are gonna help us find a vault." Vasquez said with a smirk.

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