Chapter 6 : Touch The Butt

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I'm terrible.... sorry for not updating :'(

Fiona's POV

I looked down at the Gortys project which was now in sleep mode, I can't believe we actually found one. We were in our RV just outside Hollow Point, Vaughn was asleep, and Sasha and August were on the top of the RV 'keeping watch'. Scooter had gone back to his shop to fix up some Pandoran's truck, I looked out the window and it was dark, with nothing but the stars illuminating the sky. Vaughn snored lightly as I turned the lamp off and lay down on the chair, I slowly closed my eyes.

10 minutes later

Rhys' POV

"Alright, cupcake! Don't get yourself killed!" Jack said into my ear, I still couldn't see him because my ECHO-eye was fucked up. Athena and I hid behind a rock that was about 10 metres away from the RV, that's where the Gortys project is. "Hey! Princess! Are you listening?" I chose to ignore him, "Ohhhh you're giving me the silent treatment eh?"

"Hey, asshole! Are you paying attention?" Athena asked.

"Yeah, no need to be rude." I replied, giving her a glare.

"Just.... go get the Gortys project. I'll be here if you need backup." Athena looked towards the RV. I can't see anything in this darkness, thanks to my broken ECHO-eye. I slowly walked towards the RV and then crouched next to the door. I could hear.... disturbing sounds coming from the top of the RV, there was a man's voice and a woman's voice. I shivered,

"Gross." I whispered to myself.

"Hey! Kiddo! They are TOTALLY having se-" Jack began.

"Annnnnnd I don't need to know anymore!" I whisper-yelled. "Hey, can you check to make sure that noone is awake in there?"

"Sure." Jack said firmly.

Jack's POV

I phased through the door and saw two figures, two VERY familiar figures. Well, hello Fiona and Vaughn. I thought about telling Rhys that these two were in here but I decided to let him find out for himself. I walked back outside and said, "Yeah. There's two people and they're both asleep."

"Okay you have to guide me, considering that you're the only one who can see in the dark." Rhys said to me. It's cool that I'm invisible to him, I smirked.

"Sure, no problamo, kiddo." I exclaimed. Rhys placed his hand on the door handle and slowly pulled it down and opened the door. He put one foot inside and then the other before slowly closing the door behind him. An idea then popped into my head, I'm gonna make him touch Fiona's ass (Jack's face right now: >:3) "Okay, Rhysie, just take one small step forward." I started to guide him towards Fiona, the Gortys project was on the opposite side of the room. "Alright, alright, now bend down evvvverr so slightly, and extend your arm a bit. The Gortys project is round.... and smooth...." I mumbled the last part. Rhys' mechanical arm was now three or four centimeters away from the target. "That's it, Rhys. Now it's right below your hand." I looked as Rhys slowly lowered his hand as I contained my laughter.

Fiona's POV

I suddenly awoke and flicked the lamp on before seeing a figure above me, I quickly tackled him to the ground before saying, "What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" I shouted, which awoke Vaughn, he sat up quickly,

"Wh-what's going on!?" Vaughn exclaimed, startled.

"I-er-" The man I tackled to the ground started, but I cut him off,

"Wait, Rhys?!" I said in shock.

Rhys' POV

Holy shit. Time to use some of the skills that Athena taught me. I used my leg to make Fiona lose her balance slightly and quickly pushed her off. I stood up and heard Jack laughing.

"Y-You TOTALLY touched her ass dude!" He shouted with joy. Oh fuck. I looked around the room and saw a red/grey metal ball on the ground.

"Is that the Gortys project, Jack?" I asked out loud.

"Jack? Who's Jack?" Fiona began.

"Yea that's it sunshine!" Jack said. I quickly picked it up and bolted out the door.

"Hey! Rhys, what the hell!" Fiona shouted.

Fiona's POV

Holy shit, it's actually Rhys, I almost forgot what he sounded like. But he just stole the Gortys project. I quickly picked up my paralysis gun and went outside, I saw Rhys running away, Vaughn followed me outside. I aimed my gun at Rhys and pulled the trigger. It felt like the bullet was going in slow motion, then a red figure jumped in front of the bullet with her shield. The shield deflected the paralysis bullet, and all I heard was the woman screams of Vaughn. I looked over at Vaughn and the bullet had hit him square in the chest. Vaughn was frozen as he fell face-flat onto the ground. The woman in red was none other than the bounty hunter Athena, "Stay out of this Fiona, if you know what's good for you!" I just realised that Rhys touched my ass, what the fuck.

"Hey you Hyperion jackass, get back here, I wanna give you a piece of my mind." Fiona said.

"Wh-what's going on?" A voice came from the top of the RV, it was Sasha. Gross, they were having sex.... great that I know that.... At least Sasha and August were both fully dressed.

"You idiots, we're being robbed!" I shouted up at them as I continued to try and fire my paralysis gun at Rhys who was protected by Athena and her shield.

"By who?" August asked with a big yawn, not like he cares.

"Guess. He's from Hyperion, has a yellow arm and an ECHO-eye!" I replied with anger.

"Oh my god, Rhys? The Hyperion Jackass?" Sasha said in shock as she jumped from the top of the RV onto the ground below. I stopped trying to fire my gun at them, it was no use. I looked at Rhys who was holding the Gortys project, he had that look in his eyes, his lovely lovely eyes, one blue and one brown. The look that says 'sorry'. "I knew we could never trust a Hyperion like yo- woah why is Vaughn dying on the ground?" Sasha noticed as she saw Vaughn paralysed in the dirt.

"He'll be fine." I simply said.

"This is vault hunter business!" Athena shouted before the rev of an engine could be heard. I black bandit truck headed towards Athena and Rhys before the door opened allowing them to hop in.

Rhys' POV

Springs was in the bandit truck, this was the escape plan. Athena took the Gortys project before entering the car. I looked over at Fiona and then I looked back towards Springs and Athena. I took a quick glance at Fiona again, her expression was pretty hard to read. I could see anger, sadness and hope.

"So what's it gonna be dumb dumb?" I heard Jack ask. There was only one thing I could do....

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