Chapter 4 : A Year Apart

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Rhys' POV

"You guys got into a pickle didn't ya?" The woman asked me with her hands on her hips. 

"I-er er- I guess you can say that..." I replied.

"Cat got ya tongue?" She asked as she headed towards a broken piece of flooring. She pulled up the floorboard, "Here. Follow me. This is a secret passage and it will lead you to safety away from those guys trying to kill you."

"Hey! Pumpkin! Are you gonna ask her name or what?" Jack asked me. 

"So er- who are you exactly?" I asked.

"Oh! Well I'm Janey Springs! And you are...." 


"Rhys! Well! We best be off before we get ambushed by the bountyhunters..... and my girlfriend....." She said with a hint of sadness and annoyance.

"Woah woah woah! We can- can't leave without the Vaughn, Sasha and Fiona!" I mentioned. She jumped into the floor and said,

"Come on! They'll be fine, my friends have already helped them. Just follow me and I'll take you to them." I raised my eyebrow.

"COME ON SUNSHINE! What's the worst that can happen?" Jack exclaimed as he followed Springs. I followed after. After about a silent 20 minute walk underground, Springs brought me out of my thoughts,

"Sooooooo.... you wanna see a sexy scar on me stomach?"

"What the fuck did she just say?" Jack said as his eyes widened.

"Wh-what?" I asked, confused.

"Just kiddin', I just wanted to bring you out of your thoughts!" She said. I sighed as we continued down this dark tunnel through the ground.

Fiona's POV

30 Minutes Before

The smoke started to surround us. I looked around before a pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me out of the smoke and into the back seat of a car.

"Hey! Wh-" I paused as I looked to my left and saw Vaughn and Sasha in the car with me. The car shot off straight away, I then looked to see that the driver was the one and only August. "August?!" 

"Just be glad that we're helping you!" He said.

"Wh-why are you helping us?" Vaughn asked in shock.

"Well cuz we can lil guy! Welcome to Scooter's catch a riiide's personal vehicle!" Scooter said from the passenger seat.

"Scooter? You too?" Sasha asked. He gave us the thumbs up as we pulled into Scooter's garage. We all got out of the car except for August who put his feet up on the dashboard just to relax.

"Welcome to Scooter's catch a riiide!" Scooter shouted.

"How did you know that we were gonna need help?" Sasha questioned.

"Well, it was actually Springs who told me that Athena was acting weird. So she knew that something was up, she soon found out that she was gonna attack you sooo we helped you! August actually offered to help us moments after."

"Wow. Didn't know that August had a soft side," Vaughn said.

"I don't!" He shouted from the car. I rolled my eyes, but then I soon noticed that Rhys was nowhere to be found.

"Erm... where's Rhys?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! Where is that Hyperion Jackass?" Sasha asked.

"Er- To be honest, I don't think I know where he is!" Scooter replied.

"Wh- what?!" Vaughn questioned.

"Well we can't just leave him out there." I exclaimed.

"Why not..." I heard Sasha mumble.

"Now calm down! I'll just contact Springs and see if she's got him." He said as he went towards a radio that was placed on a nearby desk. He pushed his finger to the button on the radio and said, "Springs?" No answer. "Springs? You there?"

"Is there a problem?" I asked Scooter.

"Hmm. Springs must not have any signal. Or her radio might just be turned off..." Scooter replied, "I'm sure your Hyperion friend will be fine!"

1 Year Later (YES! 1 year later....)

"Okay. Lets go over the plan again..." I began.

"Remind me again. Why are we actually trying to save Vaughn?" Sasha asked. I sighed in frustration,

"Cuz we're friends. I can't believe Kroger and Finch kidnapped him though.... And he's the only one who can steal money from Hyperion."

"He is pretty vulnerable," Sasha mocked.

"Look! Let's just get Vaughn." 

"You know that this is probably a trap," Sasha said. She was probably right, but we have to at least try.

"Worth a shot though. Right?" Sasha sighed and finally said,

"Fine. I guess, just go over the plan again." I smirked at her and said,

"Easy. We just stroll through the front door. Head up to Kroger's office and see if Vaughn is there. And obviously dodge as many bandits as we can." I finished.

"Yeah, GREAT plan." Sasha said sarcastically. "Just walts in and get ourselves killed." 

"No. Your boyfriend is round the back and he's gonna create a distraction once we give the signal,"

"Don't call him that...." She said, annoyed.

"What?" I questioned.

"'Boyfriend'" She answered.

"But he is!" I said.

"Yea but.... it sounds really weird...." Sasha said. I rolled my eyes. (You can guess who Sasha's BF is, but if you don't know I will reveal it soon) "Lets just get this thing done!" She said, now suddenly eager to save Vaughn from a deadly future. We walked towards the big building where Kroger and Finch 'lived'. It was heavily guarded at the front door. Sasha and I hid behind a big nearby rock.

"Right. You ready?" I asked Sasha. She nodded in response and I pulled out the radio and spoke into it. "Hey we're ready." I whispered. Just then, a massive explosion sounded from behind building. A few guards ran outside and ran round the back.

"You guys go! I'll stay here and guard the door." One of them said.

"One bandit? Easy." Sasha said, smirking. She picked up a small rock and threw it to distract the guard. She then quickly, but stealthily, ran up behind the guard and broke his neck. "See. Child's play!" She exclaimed before aiming her gun forward and entering the building. I followed behind.  We snuck around corners and dodged as many bandits as we could. We did kill about 11 or 12 of them though.... ONLY 11 or 12....

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"That sounds like Vaughn!" I whispered to Sasha.

"Yea. Sounds like it's coming from in there," Sasha said pointing to a nearby door. "How'd you wanna go about doing this? Quietly or loudly? PERSONALY, I would do it loudly..."

"Hmm.... Let's...."

TOO BEEE CONTINUUED (not so dramatic :P)


Alright basically... Rhys has been in Springs' group for a year and Sasha, Vaughn and Fiona have no idea where he is. (I do want to point out that Rhys and Fiona

do have an interest for each at this point of the story, they will meet again one day :D - I won't keep them apart for too long :P)

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