Chapter 2 : Drinking Purple Skag

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Fiona's POV

About 30 minutes to walk. That's it. For about 20 minutes I could feel Rhys' eyes on me, it makes me feel kinda uneasy. Sasha shook her head at me, I asked,

"What?" Vaughn and Rhys couldn't hear us because they were so indulged in their conversation and they WERE lagging behind. Sasha then looked behind us and towards Rhys and then back at me,

"You know," She said. 

"Rhys? What about him?" I questioned. She sighed and physically face palmed herself. She looked at me and then said,

"You can't fall for a 'Hyperion'. They are NOT to be trusted, even if we DID just save their asses." I raised my eyebrow and coughed awkwardly,

"Fall for him? Are you serious Sasha? We are just helping them get to the Purple Skag, I don't care about them one bit. I care about business, and we are gonna get that vault key. We just have to find out where it is and find out how we are gonna get the money for it."  I assured. Was everything I just said really true? Yes! Of course it is! Sasha shook her head once again,

"I can see it. He's gonna end up scanning you with his ECHO-eye 24/7." I rolled my eyes and looked ahead as we continued to walk towards the Purple Skag. 

"So." I spoke a bit louder so that Rhys and Vaughn could hear, "When you gonna go and get that vault key? What if someone buys it before you do?" I asked.

"Er. Well I don't know of anyone who has twenty million dollars and besides.... it's in a secluded place, not many people even know about the vault key." Vaughn assured. 

"Any idea on when you are going to get it?" Sasha questioned, "I mean, when are you going to have that twenty million?"

"Tomorrow. Probably." Rhys said. "Woah woah woah. You guys wanna take that vault key for yourselves and sell it and keep all the money. Don't you?!"

"That is ridiculous...." Sasha said. 

"Are we there yet?" Rhys complained.

"Does it LOOK like we are there yet," I remarked. He groaned and we continued to walk. Finally. We had actually made it to the Purple Skag.

"Finally." Rhys sighed as he and Vaughn started to walk up the steps. "Why don't you stick around and have a drink or two?" Rhys asked us. I raised my eyebrow and then looked at Sasha. She crossed her arms and glared at Rhys and Vaughn. 

"I don't think that that's a good idea." I said. Rhys folded his arms and said,

"And why not. One drink won't kill ya." I looked at Sasha again and shrugged.

"Fine, I guess we can stay for a bit." Sasha groaned and walked up the stairs, I followed her in as did Vaughn and Rhys. As we got inside, it wasn't as packed as it usually was. Probably just not a busy day. Me, Rhys and Vaughn took our seats at the bar as Sasha went round the back to get some drinks. Even after the whole fake vault key business, August still allowed Sasha to work here.

"What do you guys want?!" Sasha called. 

"I have what I always have Sasha!" I called back. 

"You got any moonshine?" Rhys asked. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow,

"Isn't that a bit strong?" I questioned. He shrugged. 

"I'll bring it out in a sec. Vaughn? You having anything?" Sasha asked. 

"Er. What about number 3?" He asked. Sasha put her thumb up as she grabbed all the drinks. She handed them out and took a seat next to me. Rhys gulped down about half a glass of moonshine in one go. 

"Jesus Rhys." I said as I took a sip of my drink. I noticed that Rhys was looking around quite a bit, 

"Nice Atlas tech," he said. 

"How'd you know?" Sasha asked. He then pointed towards his ECHO-eye. "Oh yea." Vaughn sighed and said,

"I really don't think that it is a good idea to steal even more money from Hyperion, Rhys." 

"Didn't you already take that ten million to pay for the fake vault key?" I asked. He nodded,

"Oh yeah. About the 'fake vault key'. What the hell?!" Rhys complained. "We were gonna buy that stupid vault key and use it to raise ourselves up in Hyperion and take down 'Assquez'." 

"And then that Felix guy had to go and blow the money up...." Vaughn mumbled. I sighed at the thought of Felix, god he was a jackass for doing that. Can't believe me and Sasha actually trusted him. 

"Anyways. You better not pull something like that again. Taking this TWENTY million is gonna put us in more trouble. We NEED that vault key." Rhys mentioned. What were we gonna do? I mean I really didn't WANT to take the vault key and have all that money, if me and Sasha actually betrayed them, then they would have a real rough time on Helios. 

"You Hyperions. It's all about power isn't it?" Sasha said out of nowhere. 

"You Pandorans. It's all about money isn't it?" Rhys mocked. I sighed and rolled my eyes and finished my drink. 

"Sasha. Could you get me another?" I asked. She sighed and stood up taking the glass with her, she came back pretty fast and set the glass in front of me.

"Thanks." I smiled at her. She nodded and got out a bottle from underneath the counter, it had a lot of moonshine in it. She placed it in front of Rhys and said,

"Drink your heart away Mr. Roboto!" Rhys looked confused for a moment, and I could see that his ECHO-eye was scanning the bottle. He thinks that it's posion doesn't he?

(Sorry that it was short! There will be a Rhys X Fiona moment next chapter! PROMISE!!)

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