Chapter 10 : Saving Rhys

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Fiona's POV

"Scooter, what happened?" I asked him. He looked at the flashing red lights on the console at the front of the ship. 

"Hmm... I'm not too sure..." He replied.

"Oh no! Minion!" Claptrap shouted.

"What? What's wrong?" Sasha asked.

"My sensors show that Helios shot us with some sort of weaponry!" Claptrap announced.

"Ohhhh great." Vaughn said as he looked out the window at Helios that was so close.

"Son of a fuck! How are we gonna get up there?" Claptrap questioned as he started to spin around, nervously.

"You need to calm down, Claptrap. We'll find a way."Springs assured him.

"Hm..." Scooter began, "It looks like there is some juice left in this baby! Could just be enough to get up to Helios." 

"Alright. Everyone buckle in!" Sasha commanded. We all secured ourselves into a seat, I was in the driver's seat.

"Quickly, minion! I sense that Helios are preparing for another shot! I DON'T WANNA DIIIIIEEEE!" Claptrap shouted.

"We aren't going to die!" Sasha said. I looked at the boost screen and it read 96%. 

"Ahhhh! Projectile inbound! A moonshot is heading our way!" Claptrap said covering his eye. I looked out the window and I could see it in front of us, heading straight for us. I looked down at the boost levels again: 99%.

"Come on. Come on!" I said to myself, hand hovering over the boost button. 

"Boost Operating at 100%!" A robotic voice sounded from the console. The moonshot was mere meters away as I pushed the button. The boost activated and I managed to steer the vehicle out of the way of the moonshot.

"Thank God!" Vaughn shouted over the noise of the boost.

"We're going in for a crash landing it looks like!" I warned them as we approached Helios.

"A'ight, hold on to something!" Scooter shouted. We slowed down a bit, but not enough. We hit the landing bay but we were going to fast to stop, we crashing into the side of the space-station. Suddenly, an alarm sounded from Helios.

"WARNING! Unknown aircraft in Helios landing bay!"

"God. Is everyone.... alright?" Sasha asked in between breaths.

"My eye! My eye!" Claptrap shouted as he jumped from his seat and waved his arms in the air. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Claptrap, his eye was on the floor. I picked it up and handed it to Scooter.

"Here. Can you fix him?" I asked. He looked at the eye,

"Alright, little robot! Just stay still, I can fix ya up." Scooter said as he knelt in front of the small yellow robot. He looked at the eye before literally just shoving it into Claptrap's head.

"I can see! Thank you, minion!" Claptrap exclaimed.

"We should hurry up and find Rhys before we're surrounded by Hyperion guards." Vaughn said as he left the crashed ship, followed by me, Sasha, Scooter, Claptrap and Springs. We were greeted by two Hyperion guards who were aiming their weapons at us.

"Oh. Great." Springs said.

Rhys' POV

"WARNING! Unknown aircraft in Helios landing bay!" The alarm of Helios echoed through the space station.

"Wow. Are they finally here?" Jack asked.

"How do you know it's them?" I questioned.

"Well who else would it be?" He replied, "You don't get many unknown aircrafts landing in the Helios bay." Vasquez then showed up in front of the cell with Gortys in his hands. He unlocked the cell and threw her in, roughly. He locked it back up before saying,

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