Chapter 9 : Trapped In A Cell

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Rhys' POV

"Hey kiddo! Are those two hot con-artists gonna come save us?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

Jack raised his eyebrows: "Woah, kiddo. What's with the tone?"

I wasn't feeling it. We had been thrown into a cell four hours earlier and my patience was seriously running thin.

"Hey, cupcake. You can talk to your old pal Jack about anything,"

"It's fine."

"Whatever, pumpkin.". Silence. A few moments passed before either of us spoke.

"So who were those two girls with Vasquez?"

"You're totally into them aren't you? Jack winked

"What? No! I just wanna know who they-"

"You're into them! You know they're both ex vault hunters. The red haired one, Lileth, Lily I think, she works for Hyperion - for some unknown reason. You know she killed me, right?"

"So she's who I should thank?"

Jack shot me a serious look: "There is another thing I have not told you"

I could tell he didn't want to discuss it so I changed subject.

"Annnnd who was the girl with the cowboy hat?"

"Oh her? That's the sheriff of Lynchwood, Nisha. Before I died, we were together."

"You had a girlfriend?"

"What? You want me all to yourself?"

"You couldn't handle me" I stated: "What does Vasquez mean by 'testing'?"

"Nooo idea, cupcake! Stop flirting with me"

"Urgh I gotta get outta here!"

Fionas POV

I really hoped that Rhys was okay. I mean, last time I saw him he was acting pretty weird

"What's going on Fiona? You're a million miles away" Sasha's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"It's nothing - I just - no forget it"

We were a 10,000 feet above pandora on a rescue mission that may take our lives yet all i could think about was saving him.

"Quiet minnions! Danger ahead. I sense it, I feel it. I know it!"

"Shut it Claptrap! You can't feel, you're just a ro-"

Sasha was interupped by a loud crash and the ship was flipped 180 degees as everything slowly went black.

Rhys POV

"Where the hell are they? They should be here by now!"

They still werent here, why weren't they? we needed them!

Jack was now sleeping, if you could call that slepeing, he was keeled over on the floor with his hands over his eyes.

"Shut up" Jack turned over: "I'm sleeping."

"You can't sleep, you're not real remember?"

"I'm not real? Then how do you explain this?" Jack said whilst letting out a huge, rip rouring fart"

"Gross! You're disgusting"

"No... I'm sleeping, be quiet."

Fiona's POV

I opened my eyes and I could just make out the flicking of a light in the corner of the deck.

"Is everyone alright?" Scooter called from the darkness. There were groans in confirmation.

"AHHH! I'm leaking! I'm leaking!" I heard Claptrap shout.

"Shut up, you're not leaking!" Sasha replied as she pulled out a flashlight.

"What hit us?" Springs asked as she rubbed her forehead.

"Ah fuck, my head hurts." Vaughn complained.

"You'll be fine!"


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