2 T-rexs + Cliff = One Death

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(High high) Jake's POV

Eddie hands the walkie talkie to Kelly who is being hugged by me. "Kelly? Are you all right?" Ian asks her.

"Uh huh" she says in a shaky voice.

"Wait there with your cousin. I'll come up in a minute. Don't move, understand?" he asks her.

"I understand" she says and hands it to me.

"Don't worry Mr Malcolm, I won't leave her side until you return" I tell him. Before giving it to Eddie. I continue to hug Kelly. "I told you, they'd be fine" I tell her and she gives me a small smile.

Jenny's POV

We all sit down or lean against a wall drained. " You know, I beg people to listen to me. I use plain, simple English" Ian whines.

"Oh shut up" Sarah and I tell him.

"That should be an interesting chapter in your book" Ian tells her.

"Forget the chapter - -it's a whole new book. The debate over the parental instincts of Tyrannosaurus rex is now closed" Sarah states.

"There's an unwritten rule when a news crew is in a war zone. You stop the van every two miles and decide whether or not you feel lucky. One "no" from anybody in the group and you turn around right there, no questions asked, nobody embarrassed. So. Do we go on?" Nick asks us. We all say no. Before chuckling.

"Oh, God. I am so sorry" we hear Eddie say over the radio and we all frown. What is he sorry for? Ian heads to the order and exits the trailer. But almost immediately, he returns, backing into the trailer, very slowly. He backs up the steps and closes the door softly behind him.

"Ian?" Sarah and I say confused.

"Hang on. This is going to be bad" he tells us. Before we could ask what he was talking about. Something slams into the side of the trailer. The whole side implodes and we're thrown against the far wall.

There is an earsplitting crack of electricity. As the entire trailer rocks and sparks a brilliant blue, and then everything goes black. Including the radio console.

Nick and I crawl over to the windows to look out of them. Outside, the flank of one of the tyrannosaurs wipes past the window. Revealing the second tyrannosaur, charging straight at the trailer. "Hang onto something!" we yell at the others as we hold onto things ourselves.

The others hurl themselves at the nearest solid object and hang on for dear life. The charging t-rex slams into the side of the trailer. Which rocks up on one side. Then bangs back down, and is quickly rammed again by the furious dinosaur. This time the entire trailer rolls over, completely upside down.

We let go of our precarious handholds and drop onto the ceiling. The tables, chairs, lab equipment, everything that's bolted down clings to the floor above us. Everything that isn't rains down on us.

But the t-rexes weren't done. The trailer jolts into motion, sliding forward. "They're pushing us!" Sarah yells.

"No shit Sherlock!" I exclaim.

"There's no call for bad language" Nick tells me. Ian goes to look out the window. He's eyes widen in fear at what he sees.

"What is it?" I ask him concerned.

"Oh, God. They're pushing us over the cliff" he states. we crawl like hell towards the front of the trailer.The opposite end of the trailer reaches the edge of the cliff and starts to tip ever so slightly downward. I reach the middle first and see the two t-rexs hard at it. Pushing the front end of the trailer.

We all hang onto things again so as not to fall. But Sarah can only cling to an air vent in the ceiling as stuff starts to roll and tumble past her, headed downhill. The angle increases, the trailer dips, and now stuff starts to free fall, right past her, some smashing her in the head.

"Hang on Sarah!" I yell. She loses her grip though. She paws at the refrigerator, getting a grip on the handle. The door, held by a safety latch, doesn't open.

Below now the trailer goes upright. The refrigerator bolts suddenly crunch free from the wall. The box strains on its power cord. I try to look for a way to get down to here. As she still clings to the handle. Sarah swings wildly as it starts to come loose, swaying above her. The safety latch on the door gives, it swings open. A shower of food bangs off of her as gravity empties the contents.

Sarah loses her grip and plummets through the new vertical trailer. She screams, covers her head, and smashes into the rear window. The glass spider webs, but does not break. "Sarah!" Nick, Ian and I yell.

"Don't move!" Ian yells at her.

"Nick get the phone, Ian and I will get her" I tell him. He nods his head. Ian and I start to climb down to Sarah.

"Oh . . . please . . . no" Sarah whimpers in fear. I forget she had a fear of hits. I don't the sharp rocks at the bottom of the cliff are helping. Slowly, she tries to get up, carefully pulling herself up to her hands and knees.

"We told you not to move!" I yell. As she puts pressure on her hands, the glass cracks even more, tiny spider webs shooting out around her fingers. The whole glass panel sags, bowing out around the bottom of the trailer.

"Hang on! I can reach you!" Ian shouts as he nears her. Sarah shifts her weight, leaning on one hand to reach for the grating with the other.

"Look out!" Nick yells at us and I look to see the satellite phone heading our way. Ian and Sarah grab her lucky pack as the window breaks.

"You're lucky pack" Ian says as she looks up at him. I join him and help pull her back into the trailer. Nick joins us and I realize we're not moving anymore.

"I think the t-rexes left" I tell them as we we look up. "We have to climb it" I state and they nod their heads in agreement. We start to free climb through the trailer's kitchen. I inadvertently kicks the faucet on as I struggle for purchase. The trailer jerks forward and goes further over the cliff as we cling to our handholds.

"Hang on, I'm coming!" we hear Eddie shout.

"We're in here, get some rope!" I tell him.

"What did you do with Kelly?" Ian demands.

"It's ok, she's in the high high with Jake" Eddie assures him. "Do you guys need anything else aside from rope?" he asks us.

"Yeah four cheese burgers with everything" Ian tells him.

"No onions on mine" Nick adds.

"Or pickles on mine" I add.

"And an apple turnover!" Sarah yells. Soon a rope is thrown down. The men send us girls up first, Sarah leading the way.  The rope gives way and we fall back to the rear window, nearly falling to our deathes. But we caught ourselves and haven't lost the rope.

"Hey hey!" I shout as I yuck the rope to see it's tied up again. We start to climb the rope again. Ian yelling at me to increase my rate of climb and I do so. The trailer starts to fall around us. We cling to each other and the rope for dear life.

We soon pop out the space where the front windshield had been. Still clinging to the rope. We look up to see the jeep, which is now rolling to the edge of the cliff. It falls past us and the whole mess explodes on the rocks below. Finally, it is silent, except for the sound of the surf. Slowly, we start the painful process of pulling ourselves up to safety. Not knowing what awaits us on the other end of the rope.


Picture above of Ian, Nick and Sarah from Jenny's POV. Picture on the external link of  Eddie trying to save the RV.

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