Rebooting the System

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Jenny's POV

"Hello!"Alan shouts as we enter the visitor centre, him holding Tim. My arm still around Lex's shoulders. We head to the dining room where Alan places Tim on a table. "Ok, we gotta find the others. Get Tim to a doctor" he states.

"They're probably in the Emergency banker" I state.

"Then why did we come here?" Lex asks.

"With the power back on, someone has to reboot the system in the control room. So that we can call for help" I explain.

"Jenny, Lex you look after Tim" Alan instructs. "Hey your hair is sticking up" he says patting Tim's hair down. "Big Tim, the human piece of toast" he states. "I'll be back soon, I promise" he assures us.

"I'll walk you out and show you where to go" I state. "Lex, you're in-charge until I return" I tell her before leaving with Alan. "Here's a map of the whole park, we're here and the emergency banker is here. Be-careful out there" I explain.

"Thanks for the help Jenny, take care of your cousins until I return for you" he tells me before leaving. I head back to the dining room to see Lex and Tim taking stuff from the feast Grandpa had prepared for us.

"You guys ate, I'm going to go find some water" I tell them. "Lex, make sure Tim doesn't ate all of the apple tart" I say. She smiles nodding her head and I head to my room. Grabbing my bag I put some water bottles in it and a blanket. When I hear crushing from downstairs.

I ran back to the dining hall to see Lex and Tim gone. I heard a crush and shouts from the kitchen. I ran to it to see Tim trying to shut a raptor into the freezer. "Aaahhhhh!" Lex and I shout ramming into the door shutting it. I then put the lock into place.

"Come on, run" I say grabbing their hands running back to the dining room. Where we see Alan and Ellie, Alan holding a gun. "It's in there" I tell them pointing to the kitchen.

"Control room" Ellie says and I lead the way. Lex and Tim are not far behind me. With Ellie and Alan bringing up the rear.

"Can we call for help?" Lex asks as we enter the room. I ran over to Dennis' computer and turn it on. As Ellie tells Lex we have to reboot the system first.

"The door locks, Jenny put on the door locks!" Alan says. We suddenly hear him yell and turn to see a Raptor trying to open the door. Ellie and I run over to help him keep the door shut. "Jenny get back, turn on the door locks!" Alan shouts.

"You both can't hold it by yourselves!" I shout back. "Lex, it's a Unique System!" I shout and she immediately sits down. Tim stands behind her as she searches for the right file.

"The gun" Alan says and Ellie tries to reach it with her foot.

"I can't get it, unless I move!" she shouts and Alan groans.

"Come on, Lex" Tim encourages her. Suddenly I hear the computer beep and push the door harshly shutting it. The locks activate and I sigh in relief. Alan gets his gun while Ellie checks the computer and I grab the phone.

"What works?" Alan asks.

"Phones, security systems, you name it we got it" Lex declares as I call the emergency banker.

"Grant" Grandpa's voice answers.

"Try again Grandpa" I say with a smile.

"Are your cousins alright Jenny?" he asks.

"They're fine, we're all fine" I assure him and he sighs in relief. "Call the main land, tell them to send the damn helicopter" I tell him. I then hear the glass crack and drop the phone.

"It's gonna come through the glass!" Ellie shouts as Alan shoots. I grab the ladder and set it up sending my cousins up first. Then Ellie and I got up followed by Alan who drops his gun. He kicks the ladder away and I start to lead them.

"How do you do know where to go?" Tim asks me.

"Spent a lot of time hiding and spying up here when I was your age. I can get us to the entrance hall" I explain. Then blow on the whistle around my neck.

"What was that for?" Lex asks me confused.

"A call for help" I state. "There" I say when I spot the right vent and crawl to it with Alan behind me. When we here Lex scream and turn to see the Raptor's head under the panel she was on. Alan and I kicked it hard, making it fall along with Lex. But Alan and Ellie grabbed her pulling her back into the vent. We make her and Tim go through first with me behind them. Alan and Ellie then quickly follow.


Picture above of Jenny's POV of Alan, Lex, Ellie and Tim. Picture on the external link of a map of the park.

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