Moving the Raptors

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(Six years later) Jenny's POV

"I still say it's a bad idea to move the raptors" I tell my grandpa. I've been working at the park for three years. Rexy is nearly fully grown and always comes when I call her. She loves me, but if given the chance may ate everyone else. A new raptor we call 'the big one' just killed all but two of our current raptors. So they are being moved to a smaller enclosure.

"Relax Jenny, everything will be fine when the new raptors hatch" he assures me. "Besides the paper work is all done, they are being moved tonight" he states.

"It's a bad idea, I know these raptors. Someone is going to get hurt, especially moving them under a light sedative. They should be fully sedated and moved during the day" I tell him. No one knows the carnivores here better then I do. But no one accepts my opinion as I am a sixteen year old girl. When I have been around predators since I was ten years old.

"Look the other two have already been moved, it's just the big one now. By the way I have a surprise for you" he says changing the subject. "Lex and Tim are coming to visit the island in a few days. How would you like to be their tour guide?" he asks.

"That'd be awesome, I can introduce them to Rexy and show them the unhatched eggs" I say thinking about what I can show them. "Where's that computer guy?" I ask him. "He is suppose to be doing this, not me" I grumble as I code our website. It won't be uploaded until after the park is opened, but I was not suppose to be coding it.

"Dennis is on the main land having a well earned rest" Grandpa states. "Besides you're doing a marvelous job. I see where Lex gets her computer knowledge from and Tim gets his dinosaur knowledge" he says smiling. I smile back, it's true I taught Lex and Tim everything they know.

"When are the new raptors due to hatch?" I ask.

"In a few days, according to Henry" he states and I nod my head.

"Miss Hammond, the triceratops are getting sick again" a park zoologist says.

"I'm coming, besides I can check on Rexy along the way" I say saving my work before turning off the computer. "Grandpa, don't you have a meeting with your investors?" I ask. He said not until tomorrow and I nod my head before leaving. The zoologist and I get into a jeep, before driving to the t-rex paddock. "Rexy!" I call using the megaphone and she appears a few minutes later.

"It never siezes to amaze me how she comes when you call" the zoologist states.

"Hey girl, you hungry?" I ask her and she tilts her head. "Luke give Rexy a goat over" I say into the walkie talkie. Luke confirms the order and a goat appears. Rexy eats it happily and I say goodbye to her. Before the zoologist and I go to the triceratops enclosure. "Poor girl" I say stroking her thrill.

"Same symptoms as always" an vet states. "I've given her a sedative, hopefully she'll be fine in a few days. We've upped her Lysine dose, so hopefully she'll be back to normal soon" he explains.

"Good, my cousins are coming in a few days. I do not want sick dinosaurs" I tell him. "Are any of the others sick?" I ask.

"No, just the triceratops" he assures me.

"Keep her isolated from the others until she is better" I tell him and he nods his head. I then return to the visitors centre and have dinner with Grandpa. They should be moving the big one soon, Robert Muldoon our raptor expert is over seeing it. Just as he had done with the other two raptors.

Just then a employee appears with a phone giving it to grandpa. "What?! Is everyone else alright?" he asks looking shocked. "And the raptor?" he asks. "Good, meeting in ten minutes. I want to know what happened and how" he tells the person before hanging up.

"What happen with the raptors?" I ask him.

"The big one killed a guard as they were putting her in the new enclosure. Robert tried to save the man while everyone else tazed her. But it was to late" he explains sadly.

"I told you someone would get hurt and did you listen? No" I snap before taking a deep calming breath. "Sorry grandpa, hows the raptor?" I ask in a calmer tone. 

"She is fine and safely secured in her new enclosure with the other two" he assures me. "Please come to the meeting and try stay calm" he begs. I nod my head and we go to the meeting room. As promised I stayed calm during the meeting, but gave Robert a piece of my mind. He wanted to kill all three raptors, but grandpa agrees with me and says they won't be killed. Afterwards I go to bed early exhausted from the days events.


Picture above of them moving the big one into the new enclosure.

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