Kelly Malcolm and Hunt

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Jenny's POV

"I just wanted to make dinner, thought I'd have it ready by the time you guys got back. Yeah" says the twelve year old African American girl in the doorway. Holding a fry pan and spatula.

"Kelly!" Jake shouts in excitement giving her a big hug. "Ian said you weren't coming" he states.

"She isn't suppose to be here" Ian states.

"Do you see any family resemblance here?' Nick asks Eddie.

"Did I miss something?" I ask Sarah.

"That's Kelly Malcolm, daughter of Ian and Cathy Asger" she states.

"Ian looks mad" I tell her. Kelly sits on the hood of the jeep talking to Ian. Who is trying to get the satellite phone to work. While Sarah and I start to unload the jeep. Nick and Eddie are are just sitting in the bed of another jeep. Jake is leaning against the jeep as Ian scolds him and Kelly.

"You practically told me to come here" Kelly tells him.

"I what?" Ian asks her shocked.

"You said 'don't listen to me' I thought you were trying to tell me something. Then Jake mentioned stow away" Kelly states.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it" Jake says to defend himself.

"Kelly you know what I meant" Ian tells her and she sighs.

"What are you going to do? Lock her up for curiosity? Where do you think she gets it?" Sarah asks Ian.

"Besides she's perfectly safe here with us" Jake adds.

"Thank you Sarah, Jake" Kelly says smiling.

"Don't start the teaming up thing about this" Ian tells the trio. "This is a private father daughter conversation. Some privacy please" Ian tells Sarah and Jake. He then takes Kelly inside and I walk over to Jake.

"So that's the cousin you wouldn't shut up about?" I ask and he nods his head. "Seems nice, but doesn't she have a tournament to train for?" I ask him.

"She quit the team, but told Ian they cut her from the team" he states.

"To make him feel guilty?" I ask with a raised eyebrow and he nods his head. Sarah enters the trailer. "Think she can convince Ian to stay?" I ask.

"Maybe" he says shrugging. Suddenly we hear the sound of several helicopters. Eddie takes out a pair of binoculars and looks through them. As Kelly, Ian and Sarah exit the trailer. Ian said they'd get Kelly out of here right now on a helicopter. He shouts trying to get their attention.

"It's says InGen on the side of that chopper!" Eddie shouts.

"I don't get that, why would Grandfather send two teams?" I ask aloud.

"Doesn't he trust us? We haven't even started!" Sarah shouts.

"What's that?" Kelly asks pointing to a dust cloud. We all make our way to the edge of a cliff. It over looked a game trail we all get down low. We watch as jeeps and bikes chase a wide range of herbivores. Nick sets up a mike and starts to record the stampede.

"They're hunting them, the bastards" I sneer and Jake wraps a comforting arm around my shoulders. Just then they took down a full grown Parasaurolophus hard.

"So they really want to build another park here? After what you said happen at the last one?" Kelly asks Ian.

"No, they're shipping these dinosaurs out of here" Ian states.

"I'm going to kill Peter and feed him to Rexy" I state.

"Look guysHammond told me these people might show up. He thought we'd be finished by the time they got started. But in case they weren't, he did send a backup plan" Nick explains. As he hands Jake a pair of bolt cutters.

"What back up plan?" Sarah and I ask.

"Me" he answers. "But I need to people to come with me" he states.

"I'm going as I already know the plan" Jake states.

"I'll go" Sarah and I state. She looks at me.

"Jenny, I have experience of freeing animals from cages. It should be me" she tells me.

"Ok, but you three be careful. Please make sure none of the dinosaurs are hurt and destroy the camp if you can" I tell them. They nod their heads and Nick starts to fill the other two in on his plan. While the rest of us head back to our camp.

Eddie decides to set up the high hide. While I go back to the trailer with Ian and Kelly. Ian tries to contact the boat using the radio while Kelly has a glass of water. I just relax eating the dinner she made, she's not a bad cook. While watching the footage Nick got of the hunt and I see them capture a Pachy zapping it. The poor dinosaurs. They even caught the baby Stegosaurus and one of the adults.

When I get back to the main land Peter is going to pay. It's bad enough he took InGen away from my grandfather. Now he's hurting poor innocent dinosaurs just for money. How that jerk is related to Lex, Tim and I. I'll never understand, he's not even as smart as any of us. Lex is a computer genius, Tim knows almost everything about dinosaurs, and grandfather is one of the minds behind the creation of Jurassic Park. Me, I just know everything about carnivore dinosaurs and have trained them. All well, we can only wait until the others get back.


Gif above of Kelly and gif on the external link of the Parasaurolophus being taken down.

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