10,000 Volt Fence

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Jenny's POV

Tim and Lex have just finished telling me everything that had happened since we separated yesterday afternoon. From the power going off, Tim scaring Lex, the goat disappearing, Genarro leaving them, Dr Grant saving Lex, the car going over the edge with Tim inside, Dr Grant and Lex following climbing down a wire. Then how Dr Grant save Tim from the car, then how they slept in a try, heard theBrachiosaurus sing to each other, patted one, how one sneezed on Lex and then how they discovered dino eggs.

"So wait, the dinosaurs are breeding in the wild? How is that even possible?" I ask Lex and Tim.

"Yeah we saw the eggs and small dino footprints" Tim states.

"Do you know which frog was used to complete the DNA sequence gaps?" Dr Grant asks.

"Henry said something about west Africa when Grandpa asked him" I tell him.

"Some west African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female in a single sex environment. Malcolm was right, life found a way" he states.

"But Henry should of know the frog could do that, unless he wanted them to breed in the wild" I say confused. "Though I doubt he'd do so without Grandpa's permission" I add.

"He could of not realized the DNA sequence he used from the frog had the sex change gene in it" Lex states.

"You are probably right" I say smiling. "Ah we made it" I say when the tall fence came into view. "Good the power still seems to be off" I state looking at the light. Dr Grant gets onto the concrete part of the fence and throws a stick at the fence. No sparks flew.

"Guess that means the power's off" he says and goes to put his hands on the fence. He suddenly jerks screaming and I roll my eyes. As Lex and Tim cover their eyes screaming.

"That's not funny" Lex states when Dr Grant sends them a smirk.

"She's right, they've been through enough without you pretending to electrocute yourself" I state.

"That was great" Tim says.

"Are you sure this is the only way back Jenny?" Dr Grant asks.

"It's the quickest and safest way" I assure him. We hear a roar of a t-rex and I help Tim onto the concrete wall as Dr Grant helps Lex. I climb on myself and we start to climb the fence.

"Timmy, I bet I can climb over the top and get on the other side before you can even get to the top" Lex states. I roll my eyes, typical of them to turn this into a game. But I guess that's how they're coping with this stressful life or/and death situation.

"What would you give me?" he asks her.

"Respect" she replies and Tim smiles.

"Come on guys, it's not a race" I tell them. We reach the top and climb over before beginning our descent. But we didn't realize Tim was having trouble getting over the top. Until we landed on the ground to hear an alarm go off. "Oh no, the power is coming back on" I state. "Where's Tim?" I ask Lex and we look up to see Tim still up at the top of the fence on our side.

"Timmy" Doctor Grant shouts.

"Get down now!" Lex and I shout.

"You'll have to jump" Dr Grant tells him.

"You crazy, I'm not gonna jump!" Tim shouts.

"Do as Dr Grant says" Lex tells him.

"I'll count to three; one, two , three" Dr Grant says, but Tim doesn't move. "I'm coming up to get you, I have to get Tim" he tells us. But I can't take my eyes off of my little cousin. I hear Tim start to count as the power comes back on. He's electrocuted and shot into the air. But I manage to catch him and fall down to the ground protecting him.

"Timmy! Timmy!" Lex shouts as she runs over with Dr Grant. I lay Tim on the ground gently and Dr Grant checks his breathing.

"He's not breathing" he states. Lex starts to cry and I stand hugging her to stop her from pacing. As Dr Grant performs CPR on Tim. On the second try Tim gasps couching slightly. "Good boy, good boy" Dr Grant says hold him up stroking his hair.

"Three..." Tim breaths and we laugh quietly.

"Can you carry him Dr Grant?" I ask.

"Of course, lead the way" he tells me.

"Come on Lex" I say gently wrapping an arm around her and continue to lead them to the visitors centre.


Gif above of Alan pretending to be electrocuted and gif on the external link of Tim being electrocuted.

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