Rexy's Hatched

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(Five year's later) John's POV

"Is Rexy going to hatch today?" Jenny asks me. We are Isla Nublar some of the dinosaurs have already hatched on Isla Sorna. Rexy our first t-rex is due to hatch any day now. My Granddaughter decided to call her Rexy. My daughter Mary had another child, a little she named in honour of her dead brother Tim. Henry is our lead scientist in creating the dinosaurs. We only have eight species so far, but plan to expand after the park opens.

"Yes, Henry said she will most likely appear today. Did you want to be the first one she meets?" I ask her. Jenny squeals happily nodding her head up and down. "Let's go to the lab then and see Henry" I tell her.

She agrees holding my hand and I lead her to the lab. If Rexy goes while we plan on creating two more t-rexs. But they'll be made on Isla Sorna. We reached the lab and Jenny immediately went over to Rexy's egg that was beside the Braichosarous eggs. "Hello Mr Hammond" Henry says smiling.

"Good morning Henry, how's Rexy today?" I ask.

"There has been an increased movement this morning, so she may very well hatch today" he states looking at his clip board. "So why is Jenny here? I know she named the dinosaur, but surely you don't trust her around a carnivore" he tells me.

"Jenny will be perfectly safe, besides she wants Rexy to imprint on her. It is her birthday after all" I remind Henry.

"It's happening!" Jenny cheers and I go over to her.

"Here Jenny, put your gloves on" I tell her and she puts them on. I step away from her and the egg so that Rexy would see her first. Henry copies me, but still looks unsure.

Jenny's POV

"Come on Rexy" I say quietly suddenly a big crack appeared and I heard tiny screeches. I pile the shell back and I see her head. "There you are girl, aren't you pretty" I tell her smiling. "Grandpa, can I have some clothe to clean hear?" I ask him not looking away from Rexy's eyes. He comes over handing it to me as Rexy breaks out of the rest of her shell.

"Isn't she glorious?" grandpa asks Henry and I.

"Yes, she is a fine specie-man and will grow up into a big t-rex" Henry states.

"How big?" I ask excitedly as I hold her close.

"I'll show you" Grandpa tells me smiling.  "Henry, can you please take Rexy to her nursery?" he asks and Henry nods his head. I hand him Rexy gently assuring her I'd return shortly before removing my gloves. Grandpa leads me to the future visitor center where they were putting together two dinosaur skeletons.

"Why are we here Grandpa?" I ask him.

"This is why" he says when we reach a giant skull. "This is the skull of an adult t-rex and once the skeleton is put together. You'll have an idea of how big Rexy will become" he explains.

"Wow, it's huge" I say looking at it. "Can I feed Rexy?" I ask changing the subject.

"Only with adult supervision, come on" Grandpa tells me chuckling. He leads me back to the lab and through to the nursery. Where Henry has a tray of meat slices for Rexy.

"Why is she all alone?" I ask Henry.

"She has no siblings and we can't put her with the herbivores" Henry states.

"Henry can you show Jenny how to feed Rexy?" grandpa asks and Henry nod his head. I put on some new clothes and pick up Rexy gently. Henry gives me a thin slice of meat explaining how to feed Rexy. She follows them and gives Rexy her first feed smiling as Rexy nuzzles into her chest slightly.

"How long until she is full grown?" I ask Henry as I sit in her pen Rexy in my lap.

"She double her weight every year until fully grown" Henry states. "You won't be able to hold or play with her forever. But she should hopefully remember you and you maybe able to help train her in future" he explains.

"I'd love to help" I say smiling. Soon Rexy was asleep and I place her in her nest bed before going to see the herbivores. So far we had longnecks and duck billed dinosaurs. I can't pronounce their names yet. Soon we'll have raptors, club-tails, three horns, Gallimimus, frill necked carnivore, and fliers. Grandpa tells me it's time to go and I say goodbye to Henry, before leaving with grandpa.

We go to our rooms and have dinner before watching a movie. The Grandpa told me it was time for bed. So I brush my teeth and get changed into my night dress. As I lay in bed grandpa read me a bedtime story about a boy and a giant bean stalk. I fell asleep as the boy's mum threw the magic beans out a window telling the boy to go to bed.


Picture above of Rexy's egg hatching and picture on the external link of the two skeletons being put together.

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