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Jenny's POV

"What's wrong?" I ask as we enter the control room.

"All the security systems have been shut down" Mr Arnold says.

"The raptor fences aren't out are they?" Robert asks. I quickly get onto a computer and check the raptor fences.

"No they're still on" I assure him.

"Why the hell would he turn the other ones off?" Grandpa asks.

"Who?" I demand.

"Dennis, the cars stopped outside the t-rex paddock" Mr Arnold states.

"I have to go get them" I say and Arnold holds me back.

"It's to dangerous" he states.

"If I don't go, Rexy could hurt them" I tell him.

"Robert would you take a gas powered jeep and bring my grandchildren back?" Grandpa asks. He nods his head and grabs a gun along with a flash light.

"I'm going to Grandpa, I'm the only one who can control Rexy" I tell him.

"I'm going with you both" Ellie states. I get into my car while Robert gets into his with Ellie and I lead the way to the T-rex paddock. We got there to see one of the cars missing and the fence to  Rexy's paddock destroyed.

"Where's the other car?" I ask aloud as we get out of the jeeps.

"Alan!" Ellie calls turning a flash light on.

"Doctor Malcolm!" I call.

"Doctor Grant!" Robert calls.

"Alan!" Ellie calls as they search the debree of the public toilet.

"Lex, Tim!" I shout.

"I think this was Gennaro" Robert says after lifting part of the roof.

"I think this was too" Ellie states. Just then I heard a groan and rush over to it to see Ian. I call the others over as I removing some of the roof from him. "Ian, Ian" Ellie says as he opens his eyes.

"Remind me to thank Hammond for a lovely trip" he tells us.

"Ian where's Lex and Tim?" I ask him as Ellie heads towards the fence.

"With Alan" he states and I sigh in relief.

"The other car!" Ellie shouts. We get Ian into Robert's jeep then he follows me into Rexy's paddock. "Alan!" Ellie shouts running to the car only  to find it empty.

"Guys look" I say shining the flash light on the ground. "They got out, I'm sure they're trying to get back to the visitor centre" I tell them. Just then Ian yells saying we had to get out of here right now. "Don't wait for me" I tell them as I get into my jeep grabbing my mega phone.

"Jenny she has the taste for human flesh now, it's not safe" Robert tells me.

"I know Rexy, now get out of here. I'll continue the search" I tell him. Robert takes off as Rexy appears and I stay completely still. Just as Rexy was about to give chase roaring I shout "No!" in the mega phone. She looks at me and approaches standing right in front of me. "Hey girl, it's Jenny" I say holding a hand out. She lets me oat her jaw as a deep rumble sounded from her chest.

"I need to find my cousins, can you help me?" I ask her. Rexy lowers herself and I climb onto the turned over vehicle to climb onto her back. She takes off into the forest tracking and it wasn't until morning she found something. I had been sleeping in a tree when I heard her kill one of the Gallimimus. When I notice three shadows sneaking way from the scene.

I climb down the tree and run after the shadows to see Tim. "Lex, Tim!" I shout running to  them and hug them tightly. "Don't ever scare me like that again, I nearly had a heart attack" I scold them. "Thanks for protecting them Doctor Grant" I say smiling.

"How'd you get here?" Lex asks.

"On Rexy, let's get back to the visitor centre" I tell them.

"You rode her? How?" Tim asks.

"I've trained her since birth and she sees me as her mother" I state. "She'll always come when I call or blow this whistle" I tell him. "Now come on, Grandpa is so worried about you both" I add. Then start to lead them on what I think is the quickest and safest route back.

(Control room) third person

"You left her out there alone" John says sternly.

"She saved us Mister Hammond, Rexy would never hurt her" Robert assures him. "She'll bring the others back safely" he adds. Ellie comes over and says Ian had a broken leg, but would survive. They then get to thinking about a way to undo what Dennis had done to their system.

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