T-Rex Attack

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Jenny's POV

"You know Ludlow, you'll get what's coming to you when your time comes" I sneer as we hike through the forest with the others.

"I'm trying to share John's dream with the world" he tells me.

"He wants this island protected from our influences. You could of lead to the death of an innocent baby t-rex" I snap. "Not the mention the amount of dinosaurs that were probably hurt during your hunt" I sneer. Ian appears with Kelly. "I'll leave you to deal with my cousin" I tell him and storm off over to Sarah.

"You okay?" she asks me.

"Ludlow makes me so angry, he doesn't see what he's doing is wrong" I tell him.

"Well it's over now. We have all we need for the documentary, John will be able make this place a protected wildlife reserve. So no one will hurt the dinosaurs here ever again" she assures me.

"You're right" I say smiling. We march through the night. At dawn Roland calls a five minute break. Sarah and I sit down on a log together.

"Are you both injured?" Roland asks as he crouches in front of us. Playing his gun down.

"What?" I ask him confused. He points to our jackets. I notice they are still covered in the baby rex's blood.

"Huh? No, it's from the baby. We set its broken leg. Doesn't seem to dry in this humidity" Sarah tells him. Roland nods his head looking thoughtful. He takes off one of his boots and shakes out some pebbles. Before putting it back on.

"Have you been wearing them all night?" he asks us.

"Yeah, I guess we have" I tell him shrugging.

"Why?" Sarah asks.

"Roland! C'mere a minute" Ludlow calls. Roland left us and Nick joins us with Jake.

"Making friends with Ahab?" Nick asks us.

"Not really" I mutter. Nick grabs Roland's gun and empties it of it's bullets. Handing them to Jake before he put the gun back. Roland said it was time to continue on. He picks up his gun and we continue hiking through the forest towards the island interior.

"Who's raptors do you think we'll see? Yours or mine?" Jake asks me.

"Don't know, I think yours are closet to where we're going" I tell him.

"Well then, we'll all have to stick together" he states. I nod my head in agreement. We reach the island ridge and notice someone missing. Roland went with a few men to go look for him. While the rest of us set up camp for the night. All agreeing not to tell Kelly about the missing man.

Us girls get a tent for ourselves. We ate a bunch of junk food. Before calling it a night. Kelly and I sleep either side of Sarah. While Sarah and my jackets hang above us. Sarah and I wake to bounding footsteps. We share a look and look up at our jackets.

"Oh no" she whispers.

"Don't move or make a sound" I tell her. "Keep Kelly quiet" I whisper as I turn the lamp off. Soon we see the shadow of a t-rex outside out tent.

"What is that?" Kelly asks tiredly. Sarah covers her mouth as she goes to scream. She shushes her and we remain completely still.

(Outside tent) Third Persons POV

"Kelly" Jake and Ian whisper in horror. As they see the t-rex with it's head in the girls tent. Suddenly Carter screams waking everyone up. "Don't move!" Ian and Jake shout as the rex rears it's head taking the tent with him. Ian and Jake crouch behind a log.

"Run, now!" Jenny shouts to the girls while the rex is blinded. They run for it. Sarah grabbing her lucky pack on the way. They meet up with Nick and he leads them into the forest. Not noticing the other two hiding.

Jenny's POV

"Don't look back, just run run" Nick tells us. The mother rex appears chasing us. We keep running with the hunters. We enter a ravine. Some Hunters try to leap up and scale the rocks, but the ravine is deepening, there's no way out. We won't be able to out run the rex, where's Jake when you need him?

I spot a waterfall to our right with a cave. "This way!" I shout grabbing Nick's hand running for it. Sarah follows with Kelly. They get in first. Nick and I follow. We push ourselves flat against the cave wall as Burke joins us. It's only four or five feet deep, but it's just enough for us to cower behind the flowing water. We all try to catch our breath.

Suddenly something bursts through the cascading water. It's the mother rex's head. Burke gave away the hiding spot. We scream backing away as the t-rex snaps her jaws at us. Falling just inches short. We squeeze as far back against the wall as we can get.

"Wait, she can't reach us" Nick states as we hold still. Burke suddenly screams about a snake. He moves away from us in reach of the rex's jaws. She grabs his arm and pulls him out. We cover Kelly's eyes as blood rains down the water.

"It's coming back!" I shout as I see a shadow. But it was just Jake and Ian.

"Dad, Jake!" Kelly cries running into their arms.

"Thank you" Ian and Jake thank Nick & I.

"Is she gone?" I ask.

"Yes" Jake states.

"We have to get to the village, it's our only way off of this island" Nick states. We all agree. We leave the safety of the gave and head for the village.


Gif above the t-rex outside the tent and gif on the external link of Robert Burke dying.

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