Stampede and Fire

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Jenny's POV

"Hey Nick/Jake!" Sarah and I say loudly scaring them. They stumble back and nearly fall onto their bums. We laugh as we climb onto their log.

"You got the jump on us a little didn't you Sarah/Jenny" they say smiling.

"Yeah" I say as Sarah continues to laugh until she spots Ian.

"Ian, I never though in a million years Hammond would get you to come here" she states.

"You owe my twenty bucks" I tell her smirking and she rolls her eyes.

"Hey Eddie!" she shouts.

"Hey Sarah" he says quietly waving at her.

"Got a granola bar or something?" I ask them.

"I'm starving" Sarah states. Eddie gives her a bar while we all stand in a semi circle.

"The stegosaurus' that just walk by, did you see them?" I ask them excitedly.

"It's a family group" Sarah adds just as excited. " It was a pair bond, a family group, even, long after that infant was nest bound. Every egg clutch we've see has empty shells crushed and trampled, the hatchlings definitely say in the birth environment for an extended time, that's conclusive, I can put that controversy to rest for good" she explains.

"If we could just get a shoot of the nest" I finish.

"Have you been attacked?" Ian asks holding up her lucky pack.

"Oh no, that's my lucky pack. That's how it always looks" she assures him.  "Is that a Nikon?" she asks Nick.

"Yeah" he says.

"Can I burrow that?" she asks. Nick nods handing it to her. "I'll be right back baby, I promise" she tells Ian as she heads in the direction the stegosaurus' went.

"Sarah when Jenny made contact with you, why didn't you say anything to me?" Ian asks her. As we all follow her through the stream.

"Because I knew you would have stopped me from coming" Sarah states.

"I would of tied you to the bed" he states.

"We figured out how the dinosaurs survive without lysine" I state.

"I don't care" Ian tells me.

"If you look at the diets of the herbivore species that are thriving, they eat mostly agama beans, soy, anything lysine-rich. And thecarnivores, well, they eat the herbi..." I start to explain. Suddenly we hear the stegosaurus roar.

"Wait, sh sh" Sarah tells us and we hear the sound again making her smile broadly. "Stay there, be quiet. I'll be right back" she tells us before running off.

"Sarah no" Ian says and runs after her while we run after him. She tells us to stay again and we stand behind a fallen log. I take some pictures while Nick videos the scene with another camera. Ian tries to call her back, saying she was to close.

"Relax Ian, as long as she doesn't startle the herd. She'll be fine" I assure him. We watch as she pats the baby stegosaurus.

"She can't not touch" Ian states. "When she sees something, she's gotta touch it" he mumbles.

"This is amazing, I can't believe this was even possible" Eddie states.

"What did you think you were going to document?" Jake ask him.

"Animals, maybe big iguanas" Nick states.

"Fruit cakes" Ian says while I chuckle along with Jake. Suddenly we hear a loud whirring sound and it startles the herd. Alerting them to Sarah's presence. "Oh no, Sarah!" Ian shouts and goes to try get her. But Nick holds him back. "Shot them!" Ian shouts at Eddie.

"They're protecting their baby" I tell him.

"So am I" he states. Just then Sarah narrowly dodges the swinging tail. (Gif: The bull appears and she runs from it. She hides in a log and the bull slams his tail spikes into it. The herd calmed down and she came out of hiding unharmed. We all run over to her.

"Let's head back to camp" I state smiling. Sarah gives the camera to Nick and I. "These are amazing" I say going through the photos.

"Yeah, they'll be great for the documentary" Jake states. Ian and Sarah wonder off a bit to talk in private. Nick grabs a cigarette pack and goes to take one out. "Hey don't lit that" Jake tells him.

"He's right, dinosaurs can pick up scents from miles away. We're here to observe and document, not interact" I tell him. "Glad you could make it Jake" I add.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world" he states smiling.

"So how do you two know each other?" Eddie asks.

"Jenny was my mentor before I was left in charge of the carnivores here" Jake states.

"But she's younger then you" Nick says shocked.

"I've been with Jurassic Park since the beginning and raised the t-rex on the other island. Along with the raptors there" I explain. Eddie stops looking at something in the distance.

"There's a fire!" he shouts and we run towards where we were heading. We arrive at the camp site to see a lit camp fire. Nick goes to get water, but Jake and I kick dirt over the fire. As Sarah and Ian run over. Ian asks who started the fire and the door to the trailer opened.



Picture above of Nick, Ian and Eddie. Picture on the external link of Jake Asger.

Dedicated to ZyonHenderson, the creator of Jake Asger.

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