4 Years Later

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It's been four years since the San Diego incident. Since Jake and Jenny decided to stay on site B. They known it's be over a year. But haven't exactly been keeping track of time. While they stayed on the island. Most think they are dead as no one has heard from them in over two years. Jake and Jenny tried dating, but it didn't work out. Though it doesn't stop them from being the occasional friends with benefits as they are the only humans on the island. Until Eric arrives and Alan Grant arrives with a small group of people to look for young Eric. Lets follow Jenny's story through Jurassic Park 3.

Jenny's POV

"You sure you saw something?" I ask Jake as we head for the beach.

"Yes it looked like someone para-gliding" he states.

"But it's illegal for anyone to be near the island" I state.

"Unless the rule has changed since we've been here" he states.

"Maybe we should call the main land?" I suggest.

"We'll do that if there are other people on the island" he states. I nod my head. We reach the beach and look around. "Look" he says pointing to some rocks and hands me the binoculars. I look through them and see a wrecked speed boat, it doesn't look like there are any survivors.

"What do we do now?" I ask him.

"If they were para-gliding, there could be survivors in the forest" he states. "But not telling where they ended up" he adds.

"Well we can't leave them to fend for themselves, looks like we're going on an expedition" I tell him.

"You sure that's wise?" he asks me. "You were sick this morning" he states.

"I'm fine, besides even if they survived last night. Those no guarantee they'll survive a second without our help" I tell him.

"If there are survivors" he states.

"We can't lose faith" I tell him. He nods and set off for the forest. "Any idea what direction the wind was blowing yesterday?" I ask him.

"East I think" he says.

"East it is" I state and we start heading east.

(A few weeks later on the main land) Third Persons POV

"We'll find him" Paul assures Amanda. Ever since their son went missing they'd been trying to find a way onto the island to search for him. Paul may have found someone willing to take them. They are meeting them right now.

"Mr Kirby?" Mr Udesky asks. Paul nods and they shake hands. "This is Nash and Cooper" he states. "We can get you to the island and help you search for your son. But we need someone who's been before to help guide us" he states.

"What about Jennifer Hammond? Isn't she rumored on be on the island?" Amanda asks.

"Also rumored she is dead, we need someone alive" Nash states.

"What about Dr Grant?" Cooper suggests.

"I can get him" Pal assures them.

"Then we have a deal" Udesky states. "We'll start preparing the plane and gathering supplies needed. We'll meet you all in Montana" he tells them. Before leaving with Nash and Cooper.

"How the hell are we going to get Dr Grant to come?" Amanda demands. "Every interview about his experience, he says he'd never return to that island" she states.

"Money can make anyone do anything" Paul tells her.

"Money we don't have!" she snaps lowly.

"They don't know that, we will find Eric. I promise" he assures her. "Now lets book a flight to Monotana, we will find our son" he states. They leave the pub.

(Island) Jenny's POV

We never found anyone alive. We found a dead body of a young man. We saw some footprints leading away from the body. But we lost the trial by the river. As we never found any sign of someone else on the island, we gave up hope of there being a survivor from the boat accident. So we had a small funeral for the members of it. Even though we didn't know them.

I continued to be sick and my stomach has been getting bigger. All signs point to me being pregnant. Which is just fantastic. Here we are on an island with no medical doctors or midwife. Guess we'll have to call the main land and ask for a lift back to civilization. But no rush, I am only about two or three months pregnant. We could stay another month easy, unless something bed happens.

Like more people appear on the island. Or one of us gets sick. Or we find the missing person and he or she is injured. But right now the baby and I are doing fine. I think. Jake and I are by the water hole taking photos. "Look a ceratosaurus" Jake says pointing to it.

"That was not on my grandfather's list" I state.

"It wasn't?" he asks surprised.

"No it wasn't, I knew all the carnivores my grandfather had on his list. If there is a ceratosaurus here, who knows what other carnivores there could be" I state.

"Like that thing we heard that sounded bigger then a t-rex?" he asks.

"Yes, but there aren't many canivores in the fossil record bigger then a t-rex" I tell him. "Carcharodontosaurus, Spinosaurus, and Giganotosaurus are the only two coming to my mind currently" I state. "Did you ever see one of them?" I ask.

"I think I see the DNA strand of a Spino once, but I don't know if they ever succeeded in making one" he states.

"Lets hope they didn't otherwise it could through of the peaceful balance of the island" I tell him. "Buck and Doe have managed to keep the population in perfect balance, but if there is a predator out there bigger then them. It could through off that balance" I state.

"Not to mention it hasn't bonded to either of us" he adds. "If I remember correctly it was said to have lived in a tropical forest near rivers" he states.

"Guess we avoid the river from now on and pray it never comes here" I tell him as I rub my small pump. Just then I hear something. "Do you here that?" I ask him. He nods and we look up to see a small plane heading for the landing stripe.

"That's not good" he states.

"Lets get back to the tree house and gather some supplies" I tell him. He agrees and helps me to my feet. We walk back to the tree house and we hear that same roar again. "Did that come from the west?" I ask him. He nods his head. Oh no, those people at the landing stripe could be in danger. We hurry back to the tree house.


Pictures above of the tree house, the water hole, Jenny and Jake now.

P.S. 6 chapters left.

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