Chapter 26

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(I'm getting ready for uni, but screw it. Here's an update 😌)

Third person's pov:

It was three days later, after Jeongguk left the pack to visit some other pack- Taehyung wasn't interested to know the name.

It was needless to deny, he was missing the Alpha. That's weird because they never even spent a lot of time together anyways but he still did miss the Alpha.

Best solution was, of course, keeping himself busy. He's been spending most of his time with his absolute favorite pups. And his hyungs of course.

"Tae, let's make a bet"

He heard the voice from beside him.

And oh yes, did he forget to mention he spent a lot of time with his friends too? Because right now he was surrounded by the group of his five very good friends, calling themselves Itzy.

Taehyung had once asked them what it meant and Yeji had just raised an eyebrow, challenging him, you guess?

He never even tried to guess.

At the moment though, he turned to look at Lia and frowned in question.

"A bet? For?"

The black haired beta smiled excitedly, pointing at a far corner of the training grounds. The ground was raised up in a high slope, leading to the woods.

"A race. Touch that tree at the top and back"

Taehyung pouted, uninterested. He thought the bet was something more interesting.

"A race? Like we're kids?"

Before Lia could reply, Chaeryong joined, swinging her arm around Lia. And groaned in annoyance.

"Can you believe her, Tae? Yesterday, Yoongi pointed out how she's not good with her speed. And now she's been on hunt to find someone worse than her"

He heard Yuna laugh behind him but turned his attention to Lia with a smirk.

"Oh? Is that so? We should do it then"

Lia was pouting, already looking away.

"You can't just believe her. I was only asking so we can warm up before the actual trainings"

"Sure, sure, babe"

Chaeryong teased, blowing a kiss at her while giggling.

"Shut up. I don't wanna do it anymore"

Taehyung watched laughing fondly as her other friends came forward cooing at her and tickling her sides, eventually making Lia laugh. And they joined in.

"Ok ok. It's settled. Let's have this race. Come on, Taehyung. Show her you're not slow"

Yeji cheered while sitting down on the wooden bench. Others joining over.

And that's how the omega found himself. In stupid little races with the girls. Unfortunately, Lia still wasn't satisfied with herself (Though she won't admit)

But Taehyung just waved his hand, saying how "Yoongi hyung is just very extra for wanting everyone to have everything perfect"

It was after all the running later that they were sitting on the ground under the shade of a huge tree. Taehyung didn't remember who started it, but eventually, they were talking about the forbidden Dire forest.

"It must have been really scary for you"

It was a rhetorical question, of course, by Ryujin. After Taehyung told them the details about getting stuck in the forest.

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