Chapter 34 (M)

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Third person's pov:

There were lots of confused looks, lips parted in surprise, eyes raking up and down their appearances but no words coming out when Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin saw the others again near the lake.

Namjoon had wasted no second in swooping his mate up in his arms, burying his nose in the beta's neck to take in his scent.

Jimin and Hoseok had ran up to Taehyung and Yoongi. Giving Jeongguk the side looks too, but not actually daring to question him about anything.

"What-" Jimin shook his head, not quite knowing how to ask so much all at once. "I.. don't get it. And what is he doing here?"

He asked pointing at Jiyon. Who was quiet, standing at a fair distance.

"And your hair.. clothes- what-"

"Can you first breathe, Jimin?"

Yoongi asked, despite the words, no bite in his tone. The younger looked at him for a moment before closing his eyes and slowly nodding his head.

"Ok. What happened?"

"Let's go back to the pack house first"

Namjoon came up beside them, one hand tightly holding onto Jin's.

Thats how they found themselves back in the pack house. Well, they usually just gather in Namjoon's and Seokjin's house for their personal matters.

But this was the official house, where Jeongguk holds the meetings with other packs and his own acquaintances.


"You mean you- five days? It's been five days for you?"

Jin looked at Namjoon in disbelief. While the alpha just nodded.

"And the time here stopped somehow?"

He looked at everyone around. Everyone here had been surprisingly more understanding of the situation, taking how unbelieving it was.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were across them, Yoongi beside Taehyung.

While Hoseok and Jimin on the other sofa, and Jiyon beside Namjoon and Jin.

"Yes. Sounds real crazy. I thought y'all might be freaking out over us for the past few days, but.. yeah"

Yoongi replied, tired and lying back on the sofa.

"And that cave was super creepy too"

Taehyung mumbled but it was heard by everyone.

Hoseok had been quiet all this time as he finally spoke.

"So, what's the bright side of all this-" He waved his hand in their directions, their hair more precisely, "craziness"

"Do we have Jeongguk's cure?"

That made both Jimin and Jin turn their attentions to Jeongguk too.

Jeongguk, not so surprisingly was the most composed as they told their story in brief details. Now, he slowly averted his gaze, eyes landing on Jiyon.

The said alpha took a deep breath, straightening his back.

"I need to kill the person who started this curse"

When Jeongguk spoke, his voice was low and eyes still on Jiyon.

"And how do we know who did it?"

Jimin asked in a small voice. He was still a little overwhelmed by all the gone for five days information.

"We might have an idea. But we can't take any further step until we make sure"

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