Chapter 2

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

The pack ground of Mystic Shadow was still. Not even a single soul in sight. Doors locked and windows shut.

Guards on high security around the main pack house.

It was funny honestly, they knew no one stands a chance when their Alpha goes berserk.

But at least they tried.

"Is he okay, Hoseok?"

Jimin asked the the dark haired alpha. Tension and anxiety visible on both of their faces.

Hoseok released a dejected sigh and shook his head. He placed a hand on his waist, the other raking through his hair tiredly.

"Namjoon and Jackson are trying but.. it's getting impossible to keep him chained, as the night's getting darker"

Jimin's face fell. His eyes getting glossy.

"Increase the security or.. whatever.. Please, do something Hoseok-"

A choked sob left the Jimin's throat. He covered his mouth with his hand, head hanging low.

The alpha took a quick step, engulfing the beta in his arms. He soothed the younger by rubbing his back.

"Let's stay positive, Minnie. Namjoon and Jackson are strong, they can-"

They both flinched by the loud crashing noise and pulled away.


"Just stay back"

Hoseok said, quickly making a run for the stairs.

His legs taking long steps, his heart beating fast, praying any god out there.

Just chanting a no no no no-

He slammed opened the door. Hand still clasped on the knob.

The room was just as he left.

Except Namjoon was on the floor, trying to get up with glass shards sticking in his sides.

"F-fuck.. S-sorry"

Namjoon cursed in pain, finger barely moving to point at the broken window.


(I am sorry)

Taehyung started to run down from the cliff. His heart beating so fast he doubted it might stop beating at all.

Screaming in his head pitifully, but not getting any mind link with his mother.

"Mom! Please say you're okay"

"Can you hear me! Mom-"

Halfway through, he stopped. His paws digging in the mud.

A nauseous feeling bubbled up in his stomach. A pathetic growl rumbled through his throat.

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