Chapter 1

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

The pups giggled running away, making the omega chase after them.

"Taetae! Catch me!"

Taehyung heard the small pup call him. He turned around where the boy was running and playfully huffed.

"How can I? You are so fast, Seojun"

He pouted looking at him.

He heard a little sigh beside him.

"You're right. I'm tired too"

It was Mina, another pup from his pack.

"You're so boring Mina. We were having so much fun"

Hyujin, her elder brother also joined them.

All the three pups came to Taehyung, sitting on the grass to catch their breath.

"Jinnie, don't forget I was the one to drag you here. You are actually boring"

She argued, placing her head on Taehyung's lap. The omega smiled at the two, running his hand through the girl's hair.

"You two always fight. That's why I'm Taetae's favorite"

Seojun proudly announced making the said omega giggle.

"No way. He loves me the most. Right Taehyungie?"

Hyujin asked tugging at his arm with his light brown eyes open widely.

It became a mess, the three little alphas fighting to be the most favorite one.

Mina also got up. Accusing her brother, how he always hurt the flowers despite Taehyung telling him not to pluck them.

Taehyung enjoyed the drama for a while before deciding to interject.

"Ok, ok stop. It's getting late. You little babies should go back now"

He said cooing at them.

Seojun huffed.

"But who's your favorite?"

Taehyung knew it was impossible to tell. He could never choose a favorite between these fluff balls.

But he hummed, showing as he was in deep thoughts.

"How about I tell you tomorrow?"

The little pups pouted, screaming 'no-s' and 'tell us now' but he shushed them.

He held their hands, walking down from the small cliff where they love to play.


"I'll marry you when I grow up"

Seojun proudly announced as Taehyung stood outside the little boy's house to drop him safely.

He laughed, his head tilting back, lips stretching into an adorable box shape and kneeled down to face the alpha pup.

"You'll find your mate, bub. Then you'll love them and someday marry them too"

Seojun pouted.

"But what about you?"

Taehyung chuckled, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I'll find my mate"

He answered shrugging his shoulders and placed a sweet kiss on Seojun's forehead.


Myths say he was a cursed wolf. Some says it was because of some black magic source.

But what they all believe is, it was because of the rogue alpha. The alpha who had many years ago, destroyed and killed the Mystic Shadow pack. In lust of power to rule over it.

The elders of the pack cursed the alpha to get the same fate as they were given.

No wonder the vicious alpha was killed by his own son. The cursed true blood alpha.

Now the ruler of Mystic Shadow.

But the curse didn't end there.

It is said to believe that every seventh full moon, he loses control. Making him become a more ruthless monster than he already is..



Taehyung called his mother from the dining table. From where he watched her washing dishes after the dinner.

She was a pretty brunette woman in her mid 40's. Hair tied up in a messy bun and apron around her waist.

Her husband was killed in rouge attack when Taehyung was just 8 years old.

It was small attack but still caused the loss of some precious souls. Leaving her behind with their son.

She hummed in response.

"I don't feel so good tonight"

She, for a second furrowed her eyebrows at her son's comment. But then shrugged her thoughts.

"I told you not to eat so much. Didn't I?"

She said playfully to lighten up the mood. And it worked. Taehyung chuckled.

"But you just cook for the two of us. If I won't eat, it will be wasted"

His mother shook her head.


She sarcastically replied.

Taehyung giggled. His eyes landed on the night sky from the window.

It was a beautiful and peaceful night. The full moon peaking through the clouds.

Taehyung got up. He went to his mother and placed a kiss on her hair.

"I wanna go for a run"

He heard a 'be careful' before he was out of the door.

He ran all the way to the cliff where he was with pups a while ago. He closed his eyes, taking s deep breath.

The night really felt different.

He took off his clothes, neatly placing them beside a tree and shifted to his wolf form.

He calls him Faith. At first his wolf argued that it sounded feminine but eventually agreed for Taehyung.

Like who couldn't agree to Taehyung's pouts.

His white fur was shining gorgeously under the moonlight as he decided to take a run through the woods. A frantic and pained voice of his mother rang through his head.

"Tae.. r-run-"

His paws froze on the muddy ground.

He turned around, not quite understanding what's wrong.

"Mom? Mom! What's going on?"

"Don't c-come back, Taehyung-"

And the link went silent.


I really hope you guys like it. I'll try my best to write it 💜💜

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