Chapter 15

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

Jeongguk winced at the sharp blaring noise beside his head. His hand blindly patting around to get the source of it.

He groaned once he got a hold of it. Barely squinting at the screen to see, it wasn't an alarm but some incoming call.

Despite his eyes still being closed, he received the call. Bringing the phone up to his ear.


His question was cut right there.

"Taehyung, you dead? Come out or at least open the door for me!"

A high pitched voice whined from the other side. Suddenly Jeongguk was more awake. He frowned pulling the phone away and staring at the screen again.

Too confused, he missed the way there was another body beside him. That is, of course, until Taehyung stretched his arms, whining softly.

The Alpha looked up, coming face to face with his mate. Faces too close, that Taehyung almost shrieked, just like last night and moved back. Pulling the sheets with him.


The omega asked, seeing the lost expression on the elder's face.

Jeongguk looked down at the phone, where Jimin was still going on. Now yelling Taehyung's name.

It took a while for the Alpha to realize it wasn't his phone and currently he was sitting on the matted floor beside his mate's bed. Very much naked.

He tossed the device wordlessly beside Taehyung.

Taehyung scrambled to grab it. Trying to untangle the sheets around him.
He cleared his throat before talking to Jimin.

Jeongguk was about to get up when he realized maybe, he shouldn't. He can show some decency at least.

Flashbacks of last night were coming back.

He remembered how stressed and distraught he was. After talking about his parents. After dealing with all his guests from different packs. After Jiyon.

He had simply shifted and went for a long run in the forest. Trying to sooth his mind and get some rest. And somehow he ended back here.

He remembered how Solace was purring and begging for Taehyung's touch.

Solace, you fucker

He linked the wolf. Solace just giggled back.

Likewise, darling

"Jiminnn please? I'll be there. Till then... maybe entertain yourself in the backyard?"

Jimin sighed, replying something to Taehyung but the said male wasn't paying much attention.

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