Chapter 13

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

"Tae, you're joining us, right?"

Taehyung bit his lip, eyes darting around the living room as he heard Seokjin talk on the other side of call.

The elder was asking him to join them for dinner, like he usually does.

But this time, the problem was, Taehyung was a little hesitant. No, not because of Jin but because of a certain hot headed ravenet Alpha.

"Yes hyung, I'll see you at dinner"

He replied half heartedly. Jin cooed at him for no apparent reason but cut the call with an "okay".

Taehyung sighed placing his phone back down.

He hadn't seen Jeongguk for three days. All he knows is the Alpha got really busy after the meeting where Jimin called him.

Now Taehyung will never like to admit but he was just a tinyyy bit worried for the elder. He was sure it had something to do with their mate bond.

But he can't ditch on Seokjin now, he got up and went to his room to change.

That reminds, he needs more clothes too. He'll have to ask Jimin again.


"Oh no! And that one time when you slipped in the rain water and cried all the way to school?"

Taehyung laughed as Beomgyu accused Soobin.

As he reached here, he was pleasantly surprised to see these pups here too. All five of them.

He has really missed them because unlike him, the pups had a life and a school.

Right now, he sat with Beomgyu and Soobin while the other three were busy with Jin in the kitchen.

"I wasn't crying, mind you. It was just the rain"

Soobin said, pouting. He folded his arms and leaned back on the couch with a huff.

Taehyung watched as Beomgyu gasped and raised a finger at the other.

"Binnie it wasn't raining anymore. Just admit that you're a cry baby"

The younger alpha said coyly.

Taehyung cooed as Soobin whined beside him. He reached out and caressed his soft hair.

The little boys went on but Taehyung's head wandered elsewhere.

Firstly his past, of course his wounds were still fresh. As much as he tries to move on, that night is still there very much alive in his head.


He blinked, surprised, as Jimin waved his hand in front of him.


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