Chapter 30 (M)

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Yes, the (M) is right there :) and the chapter is looooong, I'm sorry if it bothers you 💕

Third person's pov:

Lycaon, in Greek mythology, a legendary king of Arcadia. Traditionally, he was an impious and cruel king who tried to trick the king of the gods into eating human flesh-

"Uh.. Anyways. Moving on. We're not interested in this"

Yoongi urged Jeongguk to move on from the introductory pages (as things got darker, and they were just starting the book). These paragraphs were basically in start of almost every book in this library.

They stayed silent then, eyes moving through the pages.

There were details about the powerful witches which had taken a step ahead in their wizardry, the ones who had first used their magic for curses and punishments rather than helping the others.

This book was specifically compiled for those curses. Giving them all a hope that they can find something useful here.

They were going through the basic informations about the curses to see if their's matched.

Taehyung's lips turned downward in a frown as he read the gruesome details. Subconsciously his hand reached up to Jeongguk's sleeve, clenching the fabric in his fist. (Jeongguk was wearing his white shirt from earlier, coat discarded in the bedroom)

The Alpha, too immersed in the book, still placed his own hand above Taehyung's in reassurance.

Once in a while they stopped on a specific curse which looked like Jeongguk's situation.

"Melting bones? Jesus, imagine a world, someone's bones are melting while someone is eating their own teeth"

Yoongi said leaning back from the book to take a deep breath. The types of curses making his head spin.

"The hundred holes curse is still the worst. Just the thought is making my skin prickle" Taehyung added in a small voice, he shivered as he imagined about hundred tiny holes on skin.

By now, he was wrapped around Jeongguk's arm. That restricted Jeongguk's movements a little, but the Alpha didn't complain. And if the other three noticed this all, they pretended they still can't see Taehyung.

"Why would they even start a war with witches? It's inevitable you're gonna get cursed"

Yoongi replied, shaking his head in sheer disappointment. "The Kings and packs of this book were pathetic"

"Damn, the werewolves were the real villains here. How cruel can you be to destroy the entire fucking tribes?"

Jiyon muttered, shaking his head as they read about the witch who cursed the King's seven generations for wiping out her entire tribe.

Jeongguk, wait.

Namjoon linked, stopping the Alpha who was just about to turn the page.

Everyone looked at Namjoon.

It says the seven generations curse. Doesn't that ring a bell?

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