Chapter 16

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Third person's pov:

Taehyung stood still, eyes fixated on the scene in front of him where two young betas were fighting in their wolf forms.

He could tell that the smaller wolf was obviously more trained and strong while the slightly bigger one was a trainee.

He moved his eyes away, to his right. Where Jeongguk stood, perfectly erect with his hands behind his back, as he expresionlessly assessed the two wolves.

Beside him were Hoseok and Yoongi and two other alphas, which weren't familiar to Taehyung.

"Very well, Ryujin. Impressive, but you need to work on your reflexes"

Hoseok spoke to the trainee beta who now stood in front of them.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he realized the bigger wolf was a female. But she was amazing at the fight, at least Taehyung thought she was.

The wolf made a nodding gesture before leaving, to change back.

"Taehyung, you wanna come next?"

Taehyung gave a nervous laugh. Hand scratching his nape.

"Um... I–"

Jeongguk gave him a side glance, warning was clear in his glare. So of course the omega instantly shut up and meekly walked ahead.

"I.. I'll change–"

He started to say but the Alpha's deep voice cut him mid sentence.

"No need"


"You'll fight in human form"

Jeongguk said with a calm face and Taehyung's jaw dropped.

"What? But why?"

The two unfamiliar alphas frowned at his tone. And how their Alpha was clam about it. Because no one dares to talk to their leader like that.

Yoongi, however, sighed and tried to elaborate.

"It's a part of training. Let's say, in some unfortunate situation you can not shift. Then what?"

Taehyung silently pondered over it. He has heard about the wolf's bane and how strongly it can effect their wolf forms.

"Ok. But I haven't reached that part of training yet"

He tried to reason again. But of course;

"Let's start right now then"

He heard Jeongguk speak as the Alpha started taking off his coat.

Taehyung visibly panicked, feeling like passing out. Or maybe he should pass out or act like it. Because what the hell.

He almost had a hunch that Jeongguk was doing it on purpose.

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