Chapter 32 (M)

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Third person's pov:

Jeongguk felt piercing pain in his head as he tried to open his eyes. His body felt too heavy to move any muscle.

The light in the room was already dimmed so at least that was better. His mouth had a bitter taste and lips chapped, making him wince as he tried to speak.

"Hey there, relax. You're fine"

He barely managed to turn his head to see Yoongi standing beside him, stirting something in a bowl before placing it on night stand.

"Tae– Taehyung?"

His voice was scratchy as he called for his mate.

Yoongi sighed and mumbled something under his breath. Before looking over at Jeongguk and nodding his head.

"He went to get warm water. In fact, you know what? I'll go call him. Wait"

Yoongi was about to turn when Jeongguk called again.

"How's Namjoon?"

The Alpha was trying to sit up. Yoongi quickly went to help him, placing pillows and cushions behind his back.

"He's resting in his room as well. You both need to explain a lot"

Jeongguk released a tired breath, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He also noticed how he was naked under the covers, his only set of clothes getting torn when he shifted.

"He can explain later. Let him rest, hyung"

A lazy smile tugged on Jeongguk's lips as he heard Taehyung's voice.

"There you are. Sure. I'm leaving for now. But I'm coming back as soon as he can speak again. They looked almost dead back then, I need that explanation"

Yoongi said sternly looking between the two mates.

Taehyung bit back a smile and nodded.

"Yes, mother"

The elder rolled his eyes and walked out.

Taehyung looked at his retreating figure with a smile.

"He's been worried sick for you and Joonie hyung"

Then he sighed, turning his attention to his mate. Jeongguk had opened his eyes, head still leaning back on the pillows.

The omega placed the glass he was holding on the side table before sitting beside Jeongguk.

"How are you feeling?"

He asked softly.

Jeongguk nodded his head.

"Quiet better"

Taehyung looked up and down the elder, lips turned down and still looking anxious.

Jeongguk smiled, sitting up and taking his hand in his own.

"I'm fine, Tae. Trust me. Namjoon didn't wake up yet?"

The omega looked down, shaking his head and enveloping Jeongguk's hand with both of his own.

"How long is it?"

"Three hours"

Jeongguk sighed, dejected.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Drink some water before you take this potion. And no excuses"

He raised a finger, stopping the Alpha before explain complain.

Jeongguk obediently took whatever Taehyung had for him. Which meant even that God forsaken potion that Yoongi was mixing earlier.


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