ss/ps: season of the witch

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~ lana del rey

"You're a witch"


(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)," called a familiar voice. "(Y/N), time to get up," it was Anika. Anika is my older sister who has basically raised me for as long as I can remember. She is the closest thing I have to a parent.

I heard a knock at my door and opened my eyes quickly and saw Anika peaking through the door then opening it the full way. She has raven black flowy hair and black eyes that remind me of a night sky. She's always been very pretty even though her features seem dark, they've always been my version of home. 

"Oh, (Y/N)," she said and walked toward my windows to open my curtains. As soon as the light hit my eyes I groaned.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice sounding scratchy and tired which perfectly reflected how I felt.

"Time to get up," Anika replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes in a friendly reply. She giggled and continued opening the last curtain. My room was now full of light. She started walking towards the door about to leave, "Oh, and, I made breakfast," she said proudly.

I gasped sarcastically. Anika never cooked nor baked, that's probably because she's awful at it. I always told her, practice makes perfect, but she refused to practice because she wasn't very good at cooking in the first place.

"I know, be proud," she said, then walked out the door and shut it behind her. As soon as she left I rolled over on the bed, not realizing there isn't anymore bed to roll onto, and fell on the ground.

"Everything alright up there (Y/N)?" yelled Anika after hearing the loud thump I made.

"Oh yeah, perfect," I yelled back.

I got myself up with a groan and out of bed to go to the bathroom. Anika and I shared the same bathroom which actually worked perfectly. Anika's a morning person, and I'm a night person. I did my whole routine: brushed my (h/c) hair, brushed my teeth, and journaled some random things. I enjoyed journaling, it's what kept me sane after all these years of nothing.


Today Anika woke me up and almost drove me insane. I think that's the tired part of me talking actually. I love Anika to death but she needs to let me sleep a couple more hours, it's summer for crying out loud. I'll update you later.

- (Y/N) (L/N)

My journal entries are part of my most prizes position. My journal is filled with all sorts of things such as memorabilia, tears, lists, and more. I don't know how I would ever stop journaling, after all, it's my entire lifes story.

I walked to the kitchen to see Anika still cooking. I couldn't tell what it was and just watched as she failed and dropped the pan on the ground. She noticed me watching her. My eyebrows were raised, questioning her.

"Oh shut it (Y/N)," she said obviously annoyed.

"Need help?" I mocked, more than asked.

"Erm- no."

"Whatever you say," I said and walked up to the bar-like table and sat at the high-raised chair with a book in hand.

Anika slid a plate with what I assumed was pancakes. I looked at her, then back to the food, then back to her. She sighed then poured me a cup of orange juice and placed it next to my plate, on the wrong side.

"Come on, try it," she said, excitedly. I sighed and just went with it. I cut the pancakes and took a bite out of them as Anika watched excitedly. They weren't bad, but at the same time, they weren't good. Nothing a lot of syrup couldn't fix.

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