ss/ps: single ladies (put a ring on it)

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~ beyoncé

"It's the list of people I need to kill"


(Y/N)'s POV

"Over there."

"Next to the girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes!"

"He's friends with (Y/N) (L/N)!"

"Wearing the glasses!"

"Did you see his scar?"

People following Harry, Ron, and me everywhere, with their whispers leaving a mark in our ears. 

Today we were walking down to our class, which was very difficult to find, seeing as there are 142 staircases that move in every direction. 

Harry, Ron, and I also met Filch, the caretaker. We are all in agreement that he is awful after he caught us unknowingly going to the out-of-bounds corridor. 

Harry and Ron also hated Peeves. They found him really annoying. I didn't mind him, though he could be extra sometimes and if I was having a bad day, he is the last person I would want to see. 

Our classes were quite interesting, besides History of Magic, where a ghost, Professor Binns, talked for the entire class and we were forced to listen, but I really dozed off. I did almost fall asleep in his class, but he was too busy ranting about something to notice. 

Every other class was fun, for me, at least. Transfiguration was beyond fun for me because it came to me so easily. Our goal was to turn a match into a needle, by the end of the lesson Hermione Granger and I was the only two who had actually done something. To which I was rewarded with a, "Good job Miss (L/N)!" from Professor McGonagall, whom I very much so enjoyed.

Charms was very fun with Professor Flitwick, who seemed very enthusiastic about his subject. When he took roll call, he stuttered when he reached Harry's and my's name. 

Just about everyone was very excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts but with Professor Quirell being the teacher, the class was basically a joke.

This morning was different though, Ron, Harry, and I were able to get down to the corridor without getting lost, it was a proud moment between all of us.

"What have we got today?" asked Harry to Ron and me.

"Double Potions with the Slytherins. Snape's head of Slytherin House. They say he always favors them. We'll be able to see if it's true," said Ron.

"Wish McGonagall favored us," Harry said sheepishly. 

"Hey! She's a brilliant teacher," I said.

"Yeah, who gives us piles of homework," said Ron, annoyed. I sighed. 

The mail started to come. Not as you would think though. It's with owls, and this morning was particularly a busy morning for the owls, there were hundreds of owls swarming in this morning, circling the tables. 

Anika and I had been sending letters back in forth between each other with Anika's owl, Willow. Ron got quite a lot of owls, from his Mum and sister, Ginny. Harry on the other hand hadn't gotten anything. I heard all about the muggles he lives with, death those 'people' are. 

This morning I got a letter from Anika and Harry got a letter, but I don't know who from. 

Anika's letter said:

Dear (Y/N),

I'm glad you're enjoying Hogwarts, I told you, that it's great, though I know you won't admit it. Do you have any favorite classes? Mine was Transfiguration. What about Quidditch? Have you seen the broomsticks they fly on? Have you made any friends?

the ring︱harry potter x (fem.) readerWhere stories live. Discover now