Chapter 4

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Hi! I'm sorry for not updating. I didn't really feel the urge to post, but now I really want to get back into this story. My writing style may be a little different since it's been a while, but most of it should be the same! Thanks!

Sophie's POV:

I woke up, my head throbbing. Elwin says it's normal  after fainting and losing my memory. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing here. In fact, I don't even remember what caused the memory loss. Sometimes fragments of images pop into my head. A worn book, pale blue eyes, a smile. I don't even have the strength to go outside, which Elwin deems "a good way to get back to the present!". I keep thinking about my life, my friends, my family. 

Grady and Edaline- at least that's what they told me their names were- come to visit every day. I feel bad for them, that I'm a shell of the girl they tell me stories about. She sounds better than the bed-rotting person I am. 

I turn over in my cot. 

"Ah!" There' s a blonde guy staring at me, his eyes piercing into my soul. 

"Keefe, right?" I say. His face brightens. 

"So she does remember!" he exclaims jubilantly. 

"Um, I remember from the last time you came to visit." I feel bad telling him the truth. He looks kind, funny, better than the dark-eyed boy he was that first day.

"Oh, right..." He tries to hide his disappointment, and it's kind of funny to see that someone cares so much about me remembering them. 

I laugh. 

The boy wrinkles his eyebrows. "What's so funny Foster?" There's an odd type of curiosity in his eyes. I can't help but feel like I know this boy. 

"Keefe," I repeat, turning his name over in my mouth. I rack my brain for the few memories I can still clutch on to. There's one that clicks.

"The only reason you took me to the healing center to see Elwin is because you wanted to skip class!" I say, pointing my finger at his wide-eyed face. His mouth drops open. 

"Um yeah, I thought we knew this," he smiles puzzledly. He tilts his head to the side. "Sophie, are you sure you're feeling ok? I can call Elwin and he can..."

I cut him off. "Yeah, you're Keefe."

"What? Sophie, I don't.."

"Keefe Sencen."

"I remember you."

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