The Contract

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Word Count: 1120

Your P.O.V

I lay in a pile of black raven feathers twirling one between my fingers as I sighed from boredom before speaking to myself as I often did these days. "200 years of my brother being gone. 200 years of being alone in this awful place with no one to talk to but myself. I swear that one day I will find that bloody demon and make him pay for leaving me behind for so long. I bet he's even forgotten about me." I said angrily as I crushed the fragile feather in my fingers. Closing my eyes I felt a pull of someone wanting to make a contract with a smirk of satisfaction I knew my time had come. Finally a humane was ready to make a contract and I was gonna be the one to make it. Standing up I waved my hand lightly causing the feathers laid around me to whirl up and encircle my body hiding my true form from the mortal who wished to make deal with the demons.

"H-hello?" I hear a young girls voice speak softly wavering just slightly giving away how frightened she really was.

"What is it you seek child?" I asked tilting my head despite the fact that I knew the girl couldn't see me, but I could see her. She had long hair black as a ravens feather with sparkling emerald eyes that were wide like a doe, she was pale as snow, with pomegranate colored lips. Despite looking back and forth with uncertain eyes she kept her stance refusing to back away as the raven feathers swirled around us keeping me hidden so she would not see my true form.

"U-um I-I wanna make a contract with you." she said nervously as she held her hands in front of herself gripping her red and black skirt tightly before slowly letting go of the fabric as she took a small breath to calm her nerves.

I giggled in delight softly smiling, "What kind of contract are you wishing to make with me little girl, and are you willing to pay the price for such a contract."

I heard her take another shaky breath before responding with a confident voice, one im surprised she could muster. "I want you to protect me and help me get revenge on the men that killed my parents. If you do this I will allow you to take my soul. I do not care what happens to my soul as long as I get my revenge."

I smirked to myself it had been a long time since I consumed a soul, and I was very hungry for a soul. "I shall grant you this contract mortal, how would you prefer me to appear to the mortal realm."

"I want you to look like my little sister maybe around 16." she replied confidently making me huff under my breath thinking that of course a mortal would want me to appear as a younger sister. Make the big bad demon look less scary.

"What is your name?" I asked calmly as I slowly walked forward my heels clicking against the white floor. "And where would you like your mark? Keep in mind it should be somewhere you can easily hide it."

She thought about it for a bit before saying, "I want it on my right shoulder where I can hide it with shirts and jackets. As for my name it's Sapphire Rose Knight."

"Sapphire Rose Knight, I agree to make a contract with you and help you get revenge on the men who killed your parents, and in exchange, I get to have your soul." I said smiling and I could tell from the fear that passed through her eyes she could see my devilish smile through the feathers but nothing more. Reaching out my right hand covered in shadows I gently grabbed her right shoulder my mark not only glowing on my hand but it glowing on her shoulder as I shared my mark sealing the contract. Then my world faded around us and we ended up in a forest outside of a city, Sapphire was laying on the ground dazed before looking up at me as her eyes cleared.

"(Y/N) Knight." she spoke giving me my new name in the mortal realm.

I smiled down at the girl helping her up as she brushed twigs from her hair and straightened her clothing. She then took my hand in hers before heading towards the city. It was a silent walk but she seemed to be comfortable with it, which was good considering I didn't really deal with small talk, it's far to boring.

She pulled me into what she called a hotel as we walked in and paid the man at the front desk a stack of money before being given a small plastic card that she referred to as a room key and brought us up to a bedroom with two beds and a bathing room next to it with other odd electrical devices I had never witnessed. Human must have finally been evolving.

I sat on one of the two bed looking around the room with a raised eyebrow both awed and curious about what else the human world now had to offer.

"I thought demons had no emotions." Sapphire said as she sat on the other bed looking at me with a quizzical look.

"A humane lie, we can feel as humans do we just know how to control our emotions better than humans, since we've had hundreds of years to practice. Besides I must show emotion if I am to be a convincing 16 year old mortal girl." I said as I leaned back on my hands on the bed tilting my head at the raven haired girl in front of me, a piece of my (H/C) hair falling into my eyes. "Besides I've never been one to be stoic and look like I always have a stick up my ass, my brother did that enough for the both of us for millenniums."

She looked surprised at the mention of me having a brother. She didn't press though as she laid down on the bed getting under the covers. "We can discuss more tomorrow. Sleep tight (Y/N)." She said softly before rolling over as I waited for her to fall asleep before walking over to the window and looking out at the city's blinking lights.

"I will find you dear brother, and you will pay for leaving me alone for so long." I said softly seeing the fiery look of my (E/C) eyes in the reflection of the glass.


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